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[pdf-devel] FS#108 (and flyspray)

From: Pablo Vasquez
Subject: [pdf-devel] FS#108 (and flyspray)
Date: Thu, 6 Aug 2009 15:27:13 +0000

Greetings. I just replied to a NO-REPLY. Sorry for that. Even if I
wanted to take FS#108, I realised I don't have a flyspray account!
     I've managed to compile check with i586-mingw32msvc and pay the
unit tests a try. Results were rather good, although there are some
things that went wrong. I hope this helps.
First, make check tries to run torture/unit/runtests.exe, this won't
get the tests to run as they seem to need to be run via the
torture/unit/runtests libtool wrapper script. To make a hot run, I
just forced the program name in torture/unit/Makefile to not include
$(EXEEXT), so that it ran runtests instead of runtests.exe. This
worked fine for running the tests, although there were some problems
with how they ran. Can this be cleanly fixed? I also have to mention
here that I am using binfmt-support so that runtests is able to run
runtests.exe without being modified.
     The first time, the tests ran (with some failures) until a page
fault came up trying to run pdf_stm_write_015. Curiously this one and
pdf_stm_write_016 (which also brings up this page fault) are fixtured
test cases. The execution doesn't even reach the test code (found that
out by placing some debug printfs), so I think this must have
something to do with check's abilities to run fixtures under wine.
Didn't try it in windows, though.
For the sake of completeness, I took these two tests out and ran
everything again. This time everything ran fine, with some of wine's
internal whinings and some test failures, but no page faults. I
attached make's full output and the log from check's run without the
fixtured test cases.

This is make check output including wine's debug info for the fault.

make check output without the troubled tests.

this is torture/unit/ut.log from the run in which pdf_stm_write_01[65]
weren't run.

Well. This report is not following any protocols about how things
should be done, but hey, I got some free time and decided to give it a
try, and thought you would like to know about the results.
Oh, and I almost forgot. This was run with CK_FORK="no" in its environment.

Attachment: make-output-fault.txt
Description: Text document

Attachment: make-output-nofix.txt
Description: Text document

Attachment: crippled-log.txt
Description: Text document

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