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Re: [Pan-users] Various possible bug fixes

From: Andrew Nile
Subject: Re: [Pan-users] Various possible bug fixes
Date: Wed, 19 Mar 2014 23:06:43 +0000

Hi Heinrich, looks great. My patches in the first post turned out
quite a bit messy and hard to follow, sorry. :( Two tiny things
though, line 1996 of should also be changed to

_bg(prefs.get_color_str_wo_fallback ("text-color-bg"))

so that the background colour is fixed, and the new_color_button code
in (line 246) doesn't seem right. This is the
code between the braces in my copy:


const PanColors& colors (PanColors::get());
const std::string& def_fg (colors.def_fg);
const std::string& fg (prefs.get_color_str("group-pane-color-fg", def_fg));
const GdkColor& val (gprefs.get_group_color (group, fg));

GtkWidget * b = gtk_color_button_new_with_color (&val);
g_signal_connect (b, "color-set", G_CALLBACK(color_set_cb), dialog);

return b;


Replacing the code in git with the above should work as intended. :)

I found another colour related thing. In, if you move
lines 540-543 to the top of that code block (line 509) then the quote
level colours work again by applying the text colour first.

Thanks again! :)

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