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Re: [Pan-users] VDQ Re: Policy discussion: GNKSA

From: Joe Zeff
Subject: Re: [Pan-users] VDQ Re: Policy discussion: GNKSA
Date: Mon, 04 Jul 2011 17:10:28 -0700
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On 07/04/2011 04:44 PM, Duncan wrote:
Joe, as you've kindly volunteered to be a liaison, perhaps you could look
into that and see if those lists are still active at all (it would have
been nice if I could have simply checked gmane, but...), with the idea of
posting a question to see if anyone still subscribed may be interested in
a revision discussion (seems I'm adapting to the idea of revising it,
already! =:^).

A quick bit of googlemancy shows no mention after 2008 for either list. I'll try joining the workers list and see what happens.

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