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[Pan-users] Re: Pan 0.131 and highlighting New article headers

From: Duncan
Subject: [Pan-users] Re: Pan 0.131 and highlighting New article headers
Date: Tue, 12 Jun 2007 23:51:01 +0000 (UTC)
User-agent: Pan/0.131 (Ghosts: First Variation)

Steven Ellis <address@hidden> posted
address@hidden, excerpted below, on  Wed, 13 Jun 2007
11:16:39 +1200:

> One thing I appear to be missing is the ability to view new headers vs
> unread headers. I really found this feature useful in the older Pan
> releases. Is it just missing?

Read/unread is fine.  If you just transferred from old-pan (0.14.x), you 
will however note that the new-unread/old-unread difference is gone.  

Read/unread is a color difference.  If you are missing it, perhaps it's 
because your GTK color scheme is messed up.  New messages were bolded in 
old-pan, but as I said, that distinction isn't in new pan.  Charles 
decided the two-way read/unread was enough, for the rewrite.

Duncan - List replies preferred.   No HTML msgs.
"Every nonfree program has a lord, a master --
and if you use the program, he is your master."  Richard Stallman

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