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[Pan-users] Colorizing header subjects

From: Bobby D. Bryant
Subject: [Pan-users] Colorizing header subjects
Date: Tue, 5 Aug 2003 02:03:31 -0600

On 2003.07.30 15:28, Charles Kerr wrote:
On Wed, Jul 30, 2003 at 02:48:53PM -0600, Bobby D. Bryant wrote:

> 3) Very minor compared to the other two, but still somewhat
> annoying, for some reason the article's subject line is displayed > > in a different
> color than the text in the Score/Lines/Author/Dates columns, if no
> scoring colorization apples.  Is there some reason for that column
> be a different color?  (BTW, I do remember noticing this change in
> other .9x releases that I tried, .90 and .92 IIRC.)

Hmm, can't reproduce; do you have `color subject column' clicked on
in your scoring prefs?

Same thing in

I do have "color subject column clicked", and did on previous versions as well. This is a change in behavior since version 0.14.0.

I notice in the same dialog window that the color specifications skip from -1 to +1, i.e. none of them specify the color for score=0. Is this a change since v. 0.14.0? It looks like articles with score=0 are being colorized with some arbitrary color, if you have the box checked. (BTW, my header subjects are now the same color as all the columns in the groups pane, rather than the color of the "Lines", "Author", and "Date" columns in the header pane. I don't know why they aren't all the same by default. Are they picking up different GTK+ theme specifications?)

Should the +1 .. +4999 group be changed to 0 .. +4999? Or better yet, add a new color category for score=0 only?

[Warning: Feature Request Alert!]

What would *really* be nice would be to ditch the hard-coded color categories and handle them with filters. E.g., add a filter option of "score is in range [x] and [y], inclusive", and add a rule option of "set article color to [color dialog]".

Bobby Bryant
Austin, Texas

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