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[Pan-devel] default web browser

From: Alexandre Jasmin
Subject: [Pan-devel] default web browser
Date: Wed, 26 Nov 2003 02:35:10 -0500

In the gnome preferences it is possible to chose a default web browser
for the desktop. Pan however have its own browser settings.

If none is specified, Pan will look at the BROWSER environment and if
there is still nothing there it uses mozilla. In that later case I would
prefer it to use my default gnome browser but doing so isn't easy since
Pan does not link with gnome_vfs or gconf and I don't want to submit a
patch that would introduce additional dependencies for such a small

Windows also have a default web browser that can be launched using the
base api. Unfortunately that would require some #ifdef and I don't see
any macro in the configure script that strive to detect windows.

Well.. In any case implementing this feature would require more work
than setting my web browser in both Pan and Gnome. So I guess that I
should just forget it ;-)

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