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Re: [Openexr-devel] how exr images are displayed

From: Florian Kainz
Subject: Re: [Openexr-devel] how exr images are displayed
Date: Thu, 26 Feb 2004 20:53:32 -0800

I'll try to answer this one...

F-stop (Q_7):

    For an explanation of "f-stop", I'll quote a mail I sent a while ago:

        The term "f-stop", as used on the OpenEXR web site, is a way
        to express relative amounts of light.  F-stops are the base-2
        logarithm of the ratio between two light intensities.

        The term is derived from the lens aperture in photographic cameras.
        For a lens with focal length L, and an iris with diameter D, the
        aperture, f, is L/D.  Most photographic lenses have a an adjustable
        iris; the adjustment ring usually has stops that can be felt when
        the ring is moved.  On the ring, each stop is marked with the
        corresponding value of f.  Customarily, some subset of the
        following range of f values is marked: 1, 1.4, 2, 2.8, 4, 5.6,
        8, 11, 16, 22, 32, 45, 64.  The ratio between one value and it
        successor is close to the square root of 2, which means that from
        one f-stop to the next, the area of the iris opening, and thus the
        amount of light passing through the iris, varies by a factor of 2.

        When we say that an image has a dynamic range of 10 f-stops, we
        mean that the ratio between the brightness of the brightest and
        the darkest part of the image is the same as the between the
        amounts of light passing through a lens at two aperture settings
        10 f-stops apart.  In other words, the ratio between the brightest
        and darkest parts is two to the tenth power, or 1024.

Exposure (Q_2, Q_3):

    With high-dynamic-range (HDR) images, the possible range of pixel
    values is conceptually infinite.  The pixels simply represent the
    luminance values that were present in the scene when the image was

    In most HDR images, there is no easily identifiable maximum value
    that should be mapped to a display's "white".  We map HDR pixel
    values to low-dynamic-range (LDR) display values using a process
    that is similar to choosing the right exposure for a photo:

    We assume that our display, usually a CRT or an LCD monitor, has
    a usable dynamic range of 7 f-stops, or 128:1.  If a monitor is
    set up in a dark room, the dynamic range is greater than 7 f-stops,
    but in an office environment, the dynamic range is limited by
    ambient light.
    We also assume that our display's gamma is 2.2.  (In order to make
    images look more pleasing, real CRT or LCD monitors have a gamma
    that is slightly higher, but we ignore that.)

    In conventional photography, with film, correctly exposing an image
    puts a "middle gray" object with 18% reflectance in the middle of
    the film's usable dynamic range.  18% is an approximation of the
    average reflectance of an average scene.  (Kodak and other companies
    sell 18% gray for exposure measurements.)

    Exrdisplay assumes that a pixel value of 0.18 represents 18% gray,
    and  computes the correct "exposure" by placing this value in the
    middle of the display's usable dynamic range, that is 3.5 f-stops
    darker than the display's maximum white.

    The user can make an image brighter or darker by adjusting exrdisplay's
    exposure slider.  The units on the exposure slider are f-stops.
    Increasing the exposure by 1.0 doubles the image's overall brightness.

    Choosing 0.18 to represent middle gray is, of course, fairly
    arbitrary.  When EXR (not yet Open) was introduced at ILM, we also
    discussed making middle gray equal to 1.0.  Another possibility
    would be to choose a perfectly white reference object, with 100%
    reflectance, and map it to the display's maximum white.

Knee (Q_4):

    Exrdisplay's "knee low" and "knee high" allow the user to compress
    the dynamic range of the original image so that a wider range of pixel
    values can be displayed without clipping.  Values below knee low remain
    untouched.  Values between knee low and knee high are compressed into
    the range [knee low, middle gray + 3.5 f-stops].  Values above knee high
    are clamped.
    The exact shape of the knee function doesn't really matter, but
    the function should be monotonically increasing, and the transition
    between the linear and the compressed portion, at knee low, should
    be C1-continuous.  Exrdisplay uses a logarithmic curve for the
    compressed part, with a parameter, f, that depends on knee low
    and knee high.

Fog (Q_1):

    When an image is recorded, stray light in the camera causes slight
    fogging of the image, which reduces the image's dynamic range.
    (Fogging adds a small amount of unwanted light to the entire image.)

    Cameras are designed to reduce stray light enough to make fogging
    of a correctly exposed LDR image invisible.  However, if an image
    contains very bright regions, fogging does become noticeable,
    especially if exrdisplay's exposure is set very high.

    Defogging attempts to remove some of the fog by computing an image's
    average color, multiplying this color by some small number (adjustable
    with the defog slider), and subtracting this color from all pixels.  
    In the OpenEXR sample images, most of the fog caused by stray light
    has already been removed, and by default, exrdisplay's defog slider
    is set to zero.

Other questions:

Q_1.1   Pixels can be non-finite.  Pixels contain floating-point
        numbers, and infinity or NaN are possible values.

Q_2     The expression 2^(exposure + 2.47393) maps middle gray (0.18)
        to 2^exposure.  If exposure is 0.0, middle gray is mapped to 1.0.

Q_4     kneeHigh is not a constant; the user can change adjust it
        between 3.5 and 7.5.  If kneeHigh is 3.5, then the knee
        function is an identity.

Q_4.3   findKneeF() uses interval bisection to find the correct value
        for the knee function's f parameter.  30 iterations are enough
        to converge on a solution that has enough precision.  (Most
        likely, 23 iterations would be sufficient, but findKneeF() is
        not time critical.)

Q_5     Assuming a gamma value of 2.2 for the display is common.
        Almost all video systems do this.

O_6     Assuming the display's maximum brightness (luminance) is 1.0,
        then 3.5 f-stops darker than the maximum is 1.0 * 2^-3.5,
        or 0.0883.  Correcting for the display's gamma, we get
        0.0883^0.4545 or 0.332.  Scaling the range [0.0, 1.0] to
        [0, 255], maps 0.332 to 84.66.

Tensor G wrote:
> hello all,
> first of all, thx for your hints about configuring EXR. following your
> instructions i was able to make all the thing run.
> Now i was looking at the exrdisplay program, tring to figure out how to
> manage exr images. Useless to say, i did get stuck :) If u don't mind giving
> a lil help to  a newbie wanting to get started... here are my questions:
> I refer to the comments of the ImageView.cpp file:
> // Conversion from raw pixel data to data for the OpenGl frame buffer:
> //  1) Compensate for fogging by subtracting defog
> //     from the raw pixel values.
> Q_1) I understand that this fog isn't like OpenGL fog function... now what
> does it represent? In the function computeFog the fog values are calculated
> like
> (SUM ( *finite* pixel colors)) / NUMBER_OF_PIXELS
> it seems like the avrg value of the image colors, but it isn't really making
> sense to me...
> Q_1.1) BTW can a pixel be NON_finite?
> //  2) Multiply the defogged pixel values by
> //     2^(exposure + 2.47393).
> Q_2)  what does 2.47393 represent? Can't think of a phisical constant with
> suck value... not that i argue cut n'pasting, but i'd like to understand a
> bit more the basis of image processing...
> //  3) Values, which are now 1.0, are called "middle gray".
> //     If defog and exposure are both set to 0.0, then
> //     middle gray corresponds to a raw pixel value of 0.18.
> //     In step 6, middle gray values will be mapped to an
> //     intensity 3.5 f-stops below the display's maximum
> //     intensity.
> Q_3) Why middle gray with exp & fog == 0 MUST be 0.18? Just a convention?
> Why 3.5 f-stops below MAX intensity? Middle_gray is what I use to compute
> all other colors, isn't it?
> //  4) Apply a knee function.  The knee function has two
> //     parameters, kneeLow and kneeHigh.  Pixel values
> //     below 2^kneeLow are not changed by the knee
> //     function.  Pixel values above kneeLow are lowered
> //     according to a logarithmic curve, such that the
> //     value 2^kneeHigh is mapped to 2^3.5 (in step 6,
> //     this value will be mapped to the the display's
> //     maximum intensity).
> Q_4) This is the real top -> first question:
> //     value 2^kneeHigh is mapped to 2^3.5 => does it means 2^kneeHigh =
> 2^3.5???? it is impossible, since kneeHigh is a constant!! that is not an
> equation, just an identity. Can't really understand that thing.
> Q_4.1) I post a bunch of code...
> // static float ImageView::knee (float x, float f)
> {
>     return Imath::Math<float>::log (x * f + 1) / f;
> }
> // static float ImageView::findKneeF (float x, float y)
> {
>     float f0 = 0;
>     float f1 = 1;
>     while (knee (x, f1) > y)
>     {
>         f0 = f1;
>         f1 = f1 * 2;
>     }
> //Q_4.3) WHY 30 CYCLES?
>     for (int i = 0; i < 30; ++i)
>     {
>         float f2 = (f0 + f1) / 2;
>         float y2 = knee (x, f2);
>         if (y2 < y)
>             f1 = f2;
>         else
>             f0 = f2;
>     }
>     return (f0 + f1) / 2;
> }
> ...
> struct Gamma
> {
>     float m, d, kl, f;
>     Gamma (float exposure, float defog, float kneeLow, float kneeHigh);
>     unsigned char operator () (half h);
> };
> Gamma::Gamma (float exposure, float defog, float kneeLow, float kneeHigh):
>     m (Imath::Math<float>::pow (2, exposure + 2.47393)),
>     d (defog),
>     kl (Imath::Math<float>::pow (2, kneeLow)),
>     f (ImageView::findKneeF (Imath::Math<float>::pow (2, kneeHigh) - kl,
>                              Imath::Math<float>::pow (2, 3.5) - kl))
> {}
> //  5) Gamma-correct the pixel values, assuming that the
> //     screen's gamma is 2.2 (or 1 / 0.4545).
> Q_5) 2.2 is just a common value, nothing exotic here, right?
> //  6) Scale the values such that pixels middle gray
> //     pixels are mapped to 84.66 (or 3.5 f-stops below
> //     the display's maximum intensity).
> Q_6) Why 84.66? my middle gray was 0.18, then i'd say
> 0.18:1=x:255   =>  x=255*0.18/1  => x=45.9!
> //  7) Clamp the values to [0, 255].
> the only part i fully agree :)
> Q_7) f-stop == 56.78?
> thx for any help... i am just a humble OpenGL programmer tring to scout new
> territories :)
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