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[Om-synth] Error when starting GUI

From: Nathaniel Virgo
Subject: [Om-synth] Error when starting GUI
Date: Tue, 30 Aug 2005 22:02:55 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0.6-1.1.fc4 (X11/20050720)

Hi List,

I installed om from cvs a few days ago but I've not been able to get the gui to start.

I first start Jack, then open a terminal and start om:

$ om
[SlowEventQueue] Starting.
[PostProcessor] Starting.
[AlsaDriver] Successfully opened ALSA sequencer.
[OSC] Started OSC server at osc.udp://localhost.localdomain:16180/
[Main] Successfully locked all memory.

Then I start om_gtk

$ om_gtk
[Main] No engine port or URL specified.  Attempting to use localhost:16180.
[OSCController] Started OSC listener on port 13090
[OSCController] Sending to engine at address osc.udp://localhost:16180/
[OSCController] Waiting for response 2:

Which causes the following to appear in the terminal that I started om in:

[JackDriver] Activated Jack client.
[AlsaDriver] Started realtime MIDI thread (SCHED_FIFO, priority 20)
[OSC] Registered client osc.udp://localhost.localdomain:13090/ (1 clients)
Unable to send response 0! (Invalid argument)
Unable to send response 1! (Invalid argument)
[JackDriver] Enabling.
Unable to send response 2! (Invalid argument)

Then it just sits there until I control-C the two programs. Nothing appears in the QJackCtl connections window.

I'm using a Fedora Core 4 with the low latency patched 2.6 kernel from Planet CCRMA.

Thanks in advance for any help getting om to run -- ultimately I'm looking at using the SuperCollider language as a client but I need to get a feel for it using the graphical one first!


Escape from the Head Cube

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