GNU Octave, version 5.0.1 Copyright (C) 2018-2019 John W. Eaton and others. This is free software; see the source code for copying conditions. There is ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. For details, type 'warranty'. Octave was configured for "x86_64-apple-darwin17.7.0". Additional information about Octave is available at Please contribute if you find this software useful. For more information, visit Read to learn how to submit bug reports. For information about changes from previous versions, type 'news'. warning: function /Users/janke/Dropbox/computer/data/Documents/octave/__run_test_suite__.m shadows a core library function warning: called from /Users/janke/.octaverc at line 6 column 3 >> run_failing_5_0_tests Testing /usr/local/Cellar/octave-stable/stable/share/octave/5.0.1/etc/tests/libinterp/corefcn/ ***** test str = evalc ("x = 1.1; display (x)"); assert (str, "x = 1.1000\n"); !!!!! test failed ASSERT errors for: assert (str,"x = 1.1000\n") Location | Observed | Expected | Reason [] x = 1.100000000000000 x = 1.1000 Strings don't match Testing /usr/local/Cellar/octave-stable/stable/share/octave/5.0.1/m/general/logspace.m ***** assert (logspace (Inf + 1i, Inf + 1i, 3), repmat (complex (-Inf,Inf), [1, 3])) !!!!! test failed ASSERT errors for: assert (logspace (Inf + 1i, Inf + 1i, 3),repmat (complex (-Inf, Inf), [1, 3])) Location | Observed | Expected | Reason (1) Inf+NaNi -Inf+Infi 'NaN' mismatch (2) Inf+NaNi -Inf+Infi 'NaN' mismatch (3) Inf+NaNi -Inf+Infi 'NaN' mismatch Testing /usr/local/Cellar/octave-stable/stable/share/octave/5.0.1/m/miscellaneous/tar.m a dir2 a dir2/file2 a file1 ***** test ## test tar together with untar orig_dir = pwd (); unwind_protect dirname = tarname = outdir = ""; dirname = tempname (); assert (mkdir (dirname)); chdir (dirname); dirname2 = "dir2"; assert (mkdir (dirname2)); fname1 = "file1"; fname2 = fullfile (dirname2, "file2"); fid = fopen (fname1, "wt"); assert (fid >= 0); fdisp (fid, "Hello World"); fclose (fid); fid = fopen (fname2, "wt"); assert (fid >= 0); fdisp (fid, "Goodbye World"); fclose (fid); tarname = [tempname() ".tar"]; filelist = tar (tarname, {dirname2, fname1}); if (! strcmp (filelist{3}, fname1)) error ("tar file contents does not match expected file"); endif if (! exist (tarname, "file")) error ("tar archive file cannot be found!"); endif outdir = tempname; untar (tarname, outdir); fid = fopen (fullfile (outdir, fname1), "rt"); assert (fid >= 0); str = fgetl (fid); fclose (fid); assert (str, "Hello World"); fid = fopen (fullfile (outdir, fname2), "rt"); assert (fid >= 0); str = fgetl (fid); fclose (fid); assert (str, "Goodbye World"); unwind_protect_cleanup chdir (orig_dir); unlink (tarname); confirm_recursive_rmdir (false, "local"); if (exist (dirname)) rmdir (dirname, "s"); endif if (exist (outdir)) rmdir (outdir, "s"); endif end_unwind_protect !!!!! test failed filelist(3): out of bound 0 Testing /usr/local/Cellar/octave-stable/stable/share/octave/5.0.1/m/plot/util/copyobj.m GPL Ghostscript 9.21: Can't find initialization file ***** testif HAVE_MAGICK; any (strcmp ("gnuplot", available_graphics_toolkits ())) toolkit = graphics_toolkit (); graphics_toolkit ("gnuplot"); unwind_protect h1 = figure ("visible", "off"); x = 0:0.1:2*pi; y1 = sin (x); y2 = exp (x - 1); ax = plotyy (x,y1, x-1,y2, @plot, @semilogy); xlabel ("X"); ylabel (ax(1), "Axis 1"); ylabel (ax(2), "Axis 2"); axes (ax(1)); text (0.5, 0.5, "Left Axis", ... "color", [0 0 1], "horizontalalignment", "center"); axes (ax(2)); text (4.5, 80, "Right Axis", ... "color", [0 0.5 0], "horizontalalignment", "center"); s1 = hdl2struct (h1); h2 = struct2hdl (s1); s2 = hdl2struct (h2); png1 = [tempname() ".png"]; png2 = [tempname() ".png"]; unwind_protect print (h1, png1); [img1, map1, alpha1] = imread (png1); print (h2, png2); [img2, map2, alpha2] = imread (png2); unwind_protect_cleanup unlink (png1); unlink (png2); end_unwind_protect assert (img1, img2); assert (map1, map2); assert (alpha1, alpha2); unwind_protect_cleanup close (h1); close (h2); graphics_toolkit (toolkit); end_unwind_protect !!!!! test failed imread: unable to find file '/var/folders/_4/9mx5ryp52bb_z6drbcbrhwl40000gn/T/oct-1STfXj.png' Testing /usr/local/Cellar/octave-stable/stable/share/octave/5.0.1/m/plot/util/hgsave.m GPL Ghostscript 9.21: Can't find initialization file ***** testif HAVE_MAGICK; any (strcmp ("gnuplot", available_graphics_toolkits ())) toolkit = graphics_toolkit (); graphics_toolkit ("gnuplot"); unwind_protect h1 = figure ("visible", "off"); x = 0:0.1:2*pi; y1 = sin (x); y2 = exp (x - 1); ax = plotyy (x,y1, x-1,y2, @plot, @semilogy); xlabel ("X"); ylabel (ax(1), "Axis 1"); ylabel (ax(2), "Axis 2"); axes (ax(1)); text (0.5, 0.5, "Left Axis", ... "color", [0 0 1], "horizontalalignment", "center"); axes (ax(2)); text (4.5, 80, "Right Axis", ... "color", [0 0.5 0], "horizontalalignment", "center"); ftmp = [tempname() ".ofig"]; png1 = [tempname() ".png"]; png2 = [tempname() ".png"]; unwind_protect hgsave (h1, ftmp); print (h1, png1); [img1, map1, alpha1] = imread (png1); h2 = hgload (ftmp); print (h2, png2); [img2, map2, alpha2] = imread (png2); unwind_protect_cleanup unlink (ftmp); unlink (png1); unlink (png2); end_unwind_protect assert (img1, img2); assert (map1, map2); assert (alpha1, alpha2); unwind_protect_cleanup close (h1); close (h2); graphics_toolkit (toolkit); end_unwind_protect !!!!! test failed 'h2' undefined near line 40 column 11 Testing /usr/local/Cellar/octave-stable/stable/share/octave/5.0.1/m/sparse/eigs.m ***** testif HAVE_ARPACK M = magic (10); A = sin (M); A = A * A'; B = cos (M); B = B * B'; opts.v0 = (1:10)'; [Evector, Evalues] = eigs (A, B, 4, "SM", opts); [L, U, P] = lu (A); Afun = @(x) U \ (L \ (P * x)); opts.issym = true; [Evector_f Evalues_f] = eigs (Afun, 10, B, 4, "SM", opts); assert (Evector, Evector_f); assert (Evalues, Evalues_f); !!!!! test failed ASSERT errors for: assert (Evector,Evector_f) Location | Observed | Expected | Reason (1,1) -0.16325 -0.16325 Abs err 1.9151e-15 exceeds tol 0 by 2e-15 (2,1) 0.084822 0.084822 Abs err 2.6645e-15 exceeds tol 0 by 3e-15 (3,1) -1.6399 -1.6399 Abs err 3.5527e-15 exceeds tol 0 by 4e-15 (4,1) -0.51699 -0.51699 Abs err 1.6653e-15 exceeds tol 0 by 2e-15 (5,1) -0.21995 -0.21995 Abs err 4.4409e-16 exceeds tol 0 by 4e-16 (6,1) -0.60503 -0.60503 Abs err 3.7748e-15 exceeds tol 0 by 4e-15 (7,1) 1.3031 1.3031 Abs err 4.4409e-16 exceeds tol 0 by 4e-16 (8,1) 0.7998 0.7998 Abs err 4.5519e-15 exceeds tol 0 by 5e-15 (9,1) 0.66599 0.66599 Abs err 3.3307e-16 exceeds tol 0 by 3e-16 (10,1) 0.33493 0.33493 Abs err 2.72e-15 exceeds tol 0 by 3e-15 (1,2) 0.81471 0.81471 Abs err 5.107e-15 exceeds tol 0 by 5e-15 (2,2) -0.020326 -0.020326 Abs err 9.09e-16 exceeds tol 0 by 9e-16 (3,2) 0.30581 0.30581 Abs err 1.1102e-16 exceeds tol 0 by 1e-16 (4,2) 0.59307 0.59307 Abs err 2.8866e-15 exceeds tol 0 by 3e-15 (5,2) -1.5005 -1.5005 Abs err 8.8818e-16 exceeds tol 0 by 9e-16 (6,2) -0.73741 -0.73741 Abs err 6.4393e-15 exceeds tol 0 by 6e-15 (7,2) 0.0077004 0.0077004 Abs err 1.7729e-15 exceeds tol 0 by 2e-15 (8,2) -0.027473 -0.027473 Abs err 6.9389e-16 exceeds tol 0 by 7e-16 (9,2) -1.2633 -1.2633 Abs err 3.1086e-15 exceeds tol 0 by 3e-15 (10,2) 1.7682 1.7682 Abs err 8.8818e-16 exceeds tol 0 by 9e-16 (1,3) 0.023258 0.023258 Abs err 1.988e-15 exceeds tol 0 by 2e-15 (3,3) 0.52896 0.52896 Abs err 4.4409e-16 exceeds tol 0 by 4e-16 (4,3) 0.63382 0.63382 Abs err 4.4409e-16 exceeds tol 0 by 4e-16 (5,3) -0.53893 -0.53893 Abs err 2.7756e-15 exceeds tol 0 by 3e-15 (6,3) -0.064637 -0.064637 Abs err 5.5511e-17 exceeds tol 0 by 6e-17 (7,3) 0.22818 0.22818 Abs err 8.8818e-16 exceeds tol 0 by 9e-16 (8,3) 0.19973 0.19973 Abs err 4.4409e-16 exceeds tol 0 by 4e-16 (9,3) -0.83295 -0.83295 Abs err 1.2212e-15 exceeds tol 0 by 1e-15 (10,3) 0.46978 0.46978 Abs err 2.8311e-15 exceeds tol 0 by 3e-15 (1,4) -2.2974 -2.2974 Abs err 4.4409e-16 exceeds tol 0 by 4e-16 (2,4) 0.98244 0.98244 Abs err 2.2204e-16 exceeds tol 0 by 2e-16 (3,4) -0.12184 -0.12184 Abs err 8.3267e-17 exceeds tol 0 by 8e-17 (4,4) 0.24305 0.24305 Abs err 5.5511e-17 exceeds tol 0 by 6e-17 (5,4) 0.53049 0.53049 Abs err 2.2204e-16 exceeds tol 0 by 2e-16 (6,4) 2.3339 2.3339 Abs err 4.4409e-16 exceeds tol 0 by 4e-16 (8,4) -0.0028615 -0.0028615 Abs err 1.3878e-17 exceeds tol 0 by 1e-17 (9,4) -0.16497 -0.16497 Abs err 2.7756e-17 exceeds tol 0 by 3e-17 (10,4) -0.53045 -0.53045 Abs err 2.2204e-16 exceeds tol 0 by 2e-16 >>