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Re: any impacts of adding this line to default .octaverc ?

From: Nicholas Jankowski
Subject: Re: any impacts of adding this line to default .octaverc ?
Date: Wed, 2 Aug 2017 22:09:13 -0400

On Aug 2, 2017 9:03 PM, "Mike Miller" <address@hidden> wrote:

At a minimum, "pkg rebuild" should be "pkg rebuild -global" to match the
test for the "global_list" file.

Easy enough

This should not be put into Octave's default octaverc. It could be added
to the zip distribution to act as a surrogate for a postinstall action,
but even that seems like an unfortunate hack.


If I were a user of the zip distribution, I wouldn't want it to have any
different configuration from an archive of the default package.

have yet to come up with another passive solution, which it seems is needed. A lot of people refer to the zip distro as a portable distro. It currently is far from it. If it was made "portable" and marked as such, I don't think mild differences would be upsetting. But we'd have to turn off local user hooks and hard path locations, the latter requirement being the current octave_packages problem.

I played around with whether the provided octave_packages could be written referencing %OCTAVE_HOME%, but didn't get anywhere. Might require pkg patching.

Other suggestions welcome. 

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