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Re: Octave 4.0.0 release candidate 1

From: JohnD
Subject: Re: Octave 4.0.0 release candidate 1
Date: Thu, 5 Mar 2015 18:52:15 -0500

Running in Win7 after installing from the nsis installer.


__run_tests_, apart from the known failures I have:


>>>>> processing C:\Octave\Octave-4.0.0-rc1\share\octave\4.0.0-rc1\etc\tests\libinterp\corefcn\variables.cc-tst

***** test

flist = dir ();

fname = flist(3).name;  ## skip . and ..

assert (exist (fullfile (pwd (), fname), "file"), 2)

assert (exist (fullfile (pwd (), "nonexistentfile"), "file"), 0)

!!!!! test failed

ASSERT errors for:  assert (exist (fullfile (pwd (), fname), "file"),2)


  Location  |  Observed  |  Expected  |  Reason

     ()           7            2         Abs err 5 exceeds tol 0

shared variables   scalar structure containing the fields:

    dirtmp = C:\Users\John\AppData\Local\Temp

    __var1 =  1


processing C:\Octave\Octave-4.0.0-rc1\share\octave\4.0.0-rc1\etc\tests\libinterp\dldfcn\__osmesa_print__.cc-tst

***** testif HAVE_OSMESA

h = figure ("visible", "off");

fn = tempname ();

sombrero ();

__osmesa_print__ (h, fn, "svg");

assert (stat (fn).size, 2692270, -0.1);

unlink (fn);

img = __osmesa_print__ (h);

assert (size (img), [get(h, "position")([4, 3]), 3])

## Use pixel sum per RGB channel as fingerprint

img_fp = squeeze (sum (sum (img), 2));

assert (img_fp, [52942515; 54167797; 56158178], -0.05);

!!!!! test failed

gl2ps-renderer::draw: gl2psBeginPage returned GL2PS_ERROR

***** testif HAVE_OSMESA

h = figure ("visible", "off");

fn = tempname ();

plot (sin (0:0.1:2*pi));

__osmesa_print__ (h, fn, "svgis2d");

assert (stat (fn).size, 7438, -0.05);

unlink (fn);

img = __osmesa_print__ (h);

assert (size (img), [get(h, "position")([4, 3]), 3])

## Use pixel sum per RGB channel as fingerprint

img_fp = squeeze (sum (sum (img), 2));

assert (img_fp, [59281711; 59281711; 59482179], -0.05);

!!!!! test failed

gl2ps-renderer::draw: gl2psBeginPage returned GL2PS_ERROR


processing C:\Octave\Octave-4.0.0-rc1\share\octave\4.0.0-rc1\m\general\inputParser.m

***** test

p = create_p ();

p.parse ("file");

r = p.Results;

assert (r.req1, "file");

assert (sort (p.UsingDefaults), sort ({"op1", "op2", "verbose", "line"}));

assert ({r.req1, r.op1, r.op2, r.verbose, r.line},

        {"file", "val", 78,    false,     "tree"});

!!!!! test failed

class: 'inputParser' is invalid as a class name in this context

***** test

p = create_p ();

p.parse ("file", "foo", 80, "line", "circle", "verbose");

r = p.Results;

assert ({r.req1, r.op1, r.op2, r.verbose, r.line},

         {"file", "foo", 80,    true,      "circle"});

!!!!! test failed

class: 'inputParser' is invalid as a class name in this context

***** test

p = create_p ();

p.parse ("file", "line", "circle");

r = p.Results;

assert ({r.req1, r.op1, r.op2, r.verbose, r.line},

         {"file", "val", 78,    false,     "circle"});

!!!!! test failed

class: 'inputParser' is invalid as a class name in this context

***** test

p = create_p ();

  p.CaseSensitive = false;

p.parse ("file", "foo", 80, "LiNE", "circle", "vERbOSe");

r = p.Results;

assert ({r.req1, r.op1, r.op2, r.verbose, r.line},

         {"file", "foo", 80,    true,      "circle"});

!!!!! test failed

class: 'inputParser' is invalid as a class name in this context

***** test

p = create_p ();

p.KeepUnmatched = true;

p.parse ("file", "foo", 80, "line", "circle", "verbose", "extra", 50);

assert (p.Unmatched.extra, 50)

!!!!! test failed

class: 'inputParser' is invalid as a class name in this context

***** error <not enough input arguments>

p = create_p ();

p.parse ();

!!!!! error failed.

Expected <not enough input arguments>, but got <class: 'inputParser' is invalid as a class name in this context>


***** error <failed validation of >

p = create_p ();

p.parse (50);

!!!!! error failed.

Expected <failed validation of >, but got <class: 'inputParser' is invalid as a class name in this context>


***** error <is not a valid parameter>

p = create_p ();

p.parse ("file", "no-val");

!!!!! error failed.

Expected <is not a valid parameter>, but got <class: 'inputParser' is invalid as a class name in this context>


***** error <failed validation of >

p = create_p ();

p.parse ("file", "foo", 51, "line", "round");

!!!!! error failed.

Expected <failed validation of >, but got <class: 'inputParser' is invalid as a class name in this context>


***** test

p2 = create_p2 ();

parse (p2, "file");

r = p2.Results;

assert ({r.req1, r.op1, r.op2, r.verbose, r.line},

         {"file", "val", 78,    false,     "tree"});

assert (sort (p2.UsingDefaults), sort ({"op1", "op2", "verbose", "line"}));

!!!!! test failed

class: 'inputParser' is invalid as a class name in this context

***** test

p2 = create_p2 ();

parse (p2, "file", "foo", 80, "line", "circle", "verbose");

r = p2.Results;

assert ({r.req1, r.op1, r.op2, r.verbose, r.line},

         {"file", "foo", 80,    true,      "circle"});

!!!!! test failed

class: 'inputParser' is invalid as a class name in this context



processing C:\Octave\Octave-4.0.0-rc1\share\octave\4.0.0-rc1\m\miscellaneous\unpack.m

***** test

## Create temporary directory and file for packing and unpacking

dirname = tempname ();

assert (mkdir (dirname));

filename = tempname ();

fid = fopen (filename, "wt");

assert (fid >= 0);

fprintf (fid, "Hello World\n");

fprintf (fid, "123 456 789\n");

fclose (fid);


   copyfile (filename, [filename ".orig"]);

   gzip (filename, dirname);

   [~, f] = fileparts (filename);

   filelist = unpack (fullfile (dirname, [f ".gz"]), P_tmpdir);

   assert (filelist{1}, filename);

   fid = fopen ([filename ".orig"], "rb");

   assert (fid >= 0);

   orig_data = fread (fid);

   fclose (fid);

   fid = fopen (filename, "rb");

   assert (fid >= 0);

   new_data = fread (fid);

   fclose (fid);

   if (orig_data != new_data)

     error ("unpack: Unpacked file does not equal original");



   unlink (filename);

   unlink ([filename ".orig"]);

   rmdir (dirname);


!!!!! test failed

ASSERT errors for:  assert (filelist {1},filename)


  Location  |  Observed  |  Expected  |  Reason

     []      C:\Users\John\AppData\Local\Temp\oct-nsrjUg\oct-mFzJCJ C:\Users\John\AppData\Local\Temp\oct-mFzJCJ   Strings don't match



processing complex.tst

***** test

x = [complex(-1,0), complex(-1,-0), i, -i, 1];

xs = sort (x);

assert (issorted (xs));

!!!!! test failed

assert (issorted (xs)) failed





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