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Re: Requirements for releasing the STK toolbox as an Octave forge packag

From: Julien Bect
Subject: Re: Requirements for releasing the STK toolbox as an Octave forge package ?
Date: Mon, 24 Feb 2014 22:04:05 +0100
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On 24/02/2014 19:50, Carnë Draug wrote:
On 24 February 2014 16:57, Julien Bect <address@hidden> wrote:
Which undocumented feature am I relying on, exactly ?
You are assuming that the current working directory during pre_install
is the directory of your uncompressed package, and that pkg will
maintain whatever structure you have inside the inst/ for
installation. I believe these should be good expectations though, I'm
just reminding you that this is undocumented.

Concerning the first assumption, I have replaced: pkg_dir = pwd;

with: pkg_dir = fileparts (mfilename ('fullpath'));

Is it still too much to assume, that pre_install.m is still located at the root of the package directory with the function pre_install () is called ?

This also causes other trouble. For example, I'll guess this is what
causing you to add isoctave and ismatlab to the path, that the common
diretory is actually what you would like to be the private functions
shared among the whole package. Other packages aim at Matlab
compatibility and may have their own version of this functions. If
each packages adds their own version to the path.... You also have
commonsize() and graphicstoolkit(). Which one will your package use
when multiple packages are loaded with this functions? If you had
everything on the same directory, you can place them all under a
private directory.

You're actually pointing at the only four functions that are not prefixed by stk_...

Anyway, you're right, I will make sure that no function without an stk_prefix is added to the path.

Concerning the other three warnings : I know, I can see them too, but as I
told you the warning is inaccurate since I'm not acutally adding these to
the path. Anyway, I will simply remove them if they are not needed, which
should make the warnings disappear. Is it OK if I delete them from inst in
the pre_install script ?
Should be fine. But isn't it easier to simply not add them to the
package? Why risk it have it done multiple time under many different
conditions during installation, when it can be done only once during
package release in a controlled environment?

The point is to ensure that the package works in older releases of Octave. For instance, linsolve is not available in 3.6.4.

Also, the way you move the mex files into the same directory as m
files is not recommended. Downstream packages are unlikely to be happy
about it, since architecture dependent files are supposed to be kept
I didn't know that... How can I separate architecture dependent-files from
architecture independent files when i have MEX-files inside private
directories ? (The same question would be relevant for MEX-files in class
directories, but I don't have any of them.)
You can't. The convention is to name them __foo__. This is also what
Octave core does.

Ok, I get it. I will rename them to __stk_***__ and leave them in /src (from where, if I understand correctly, they will be moved to the appropriate directory for architecture-dependent files).

Thank you for your advices.

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