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lookup(): "i" option?

From: Olaf Till
Subject: lookup(): "i" option?
Date: Thu, 21 Oct 2010 12:02:43 +0200
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.18 (2008-05-17)


a problem occured in optimset.m, optimget.m, __all_opts__.m, which
seemed due to the usage of lookup(..., ..., "i"). A description of the
problem and a suggested fix are already on the bug-tracker, but I
thought the issue with lookup(..., ..., "i") should also be discussed

I would suggest that the "i" option of lookup() should be dropped,
since lookup() requires a sorted table, while case-insensitivity makes
the sorting-criteria undefined.

An illustration of the problem:

## tbl is sorted with respect for normal lookup
octave:1> tbl = {"Ab", "aa", "c"};
octave:2> lookup (tbl, "aa")
ans =  2
## for case-insensitive lookup, tbl is not correctly sorted
octave:3> lookup (tbl, "aa", "i")
ans = 0

lookup(,, "i") internally converts to uppercase, so one could supply a
table correctly sorted in uppercase; but this solution is only valid
as long as lookup() indeed internally converts to
uppercase. Essentially, the correct sort order is just undefined when
case-insensitivity is used.


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