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Re: gnulib and automake

From: John W. Eaton
Subject: Re: gnulib and automake
Date: Wed, 28 Oct 2009 20:47:22 -0400

On 28-Oct-2009, John W. Eaton wrote:

| On 28-Oct-2009, Judd Storrs wrote:
| | I'm seeing the same (Ubuntu 9.10rc). I don't know if it's related to
| | the TeX memory error but prior to adding the TEXMFCNF change (but with
| | automake-diff applied), I noticed many errors flying by that look like
| | this:
| | 
| |     rm -rf $backupdir; exit $rc
| | ../../run-octave -f -q -H -p . --eval "geometryimages ('voronoi', 'eps');"
| | 
| | ../../run-octave -f -q -H -p . --eval "geometryimages ('triplot', 'eps');"
| | 
| | ../../run-octave -f -q -H -p . --eval "geometryimages ('griddata', 'eps');"
| | 
| | ../../run-octave -f -q -H -p . --eval "geometryimages ('convhull', 'eps');"
| | 
| | Output completed.  Verifying that all points are below 7.4e-15 of
| | all facets.  Will make 7381 distance computations.
| | 
| | multiplot> plot "-" binary format='%float64' record=62 using ($1):($2)
| | axes x1y1 title "" with lines linestyle 1 , "-" binary
| | format='%float64' record=121 using ($1):($2) axes x1y1 title "" with
| | linestyle 2 ;
| | 
| | 
| |                                                                 ^
| |            line 0: expecting 'lines', 'points', 'linespoints', 'dots',
| | 'impulses',
| |     'yerrorbars', 'xerrorbars', 'xyerrorbars', 'steps', 'fsteps',
| |     'histeps', 'filledcurves', 'boxes', 'boxerrorbars', 'boxxyerrorbars',
| |     'vectors', 'financebars', 'candlesticks', 'errorlines', 'xerrorlines',
| |     'yerrorlines', 'xyerrorlines', 'pm3d', 'labels', 'histograms',
| |      'image', 'rgbimage'
| | 
| | 
| What version of gnuplot do you have?  I recently upgraded and gnuplot
| 4.2.6 appeared on my system and now I'm seeing a similar problem.
| This problem seems to be independent of my automake changes though...
| Can you confirm that?  If you have a build using the sources before my
| patch, then cd to the doc/interpreter directory in your build tree and
| try
|   rm -f *.eps
|   make
| and see if you see similar problems.

OK, this is not a gnuplot problem, but seems to be due to the following

  changeset:   9729:3b7e644bb46d
  user:        David Bateman <address@hidden>
  date:        Thu Oct 15 21:43:34 2009 +0200
  summary:     Treat markerfacecolor and markeredgecolor properties for lines 
and surfaces

The problem is that we are sometimes generating things like

  "with  linestyle 4"

instead of

  "with lines linestyle 4"

at this point

          style = do_linestyle_command (obj, obj.color, data_idx, mono, 
                                        plot_stream, errbars);

          withclause{data_idx} = sprintf ("with %s linestyle %d",
                                          style{1}, data_idx);

in scripts/plot/__go_draw_axes__.m (near line 525).  Here is a simple
example that should demonstrate the problem:

  figure (1, 'visible', 'off')
  plot ([1, 2], [3, 4], 'r+');
  print ("foo.eps", "-deps");

When evaluating these commands, I see

  octave:1>   figure (1, 'visible', 'off')
  octave:2>   plot ([1, 2], [3, 4], 'r+');
  octave:3>   print ("foo.eps", "-deps");

  multiplot> plot "-" binary format='%float64' record=2 using ($1):($2) axes 
x1y1 title "" with  linestyle 1 ;
             line 0: expecting 'lines', 'points', 'linespoints', 'dots', 
          'yerrorbars', 'xerrorbars', 'xyerrorbars', 'steps', 'fsteps',
          'histeps', 'filledcurves', 'boxes', 'boxerrorbars', 'boxxyerrorbars',
          'vectors', 'financebars', 'candlesticks', 'errorlines', 'xerrorlines',
          'yerrorlines', 'xyerrorlines', 'pm3d', 'labels', 'histograms',
           'image', 'rgbimage'

It looks like obj.linestyle is "none" in the do_linestyle_command
function in __go_draw_axes__.m and that results in setting style to

I'm not sure what the proper fix is.


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