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Re: Small change to pkg.m?

From: John W. Eaton
Subject: Re: Small change to pkg.m?
Date: Fri, 02 Nov 2007 12:48:53 -0400

David, if you agree that this patch is OK, will you please apply it or
let me know and I'll do it.



On 29-Oct-2007, Thomas Treichl wrote:

| David Bateman schrieb:
| > Humm for CC and CXX no we don't, but for AR and RANLIB that don't use
| > mkoctfile we would.. Also just thinking about it, can we really use
| > mkoctfile to probe CC and CXX in any case.. I know that under MSVC the
| > mkoctfile command is replace with an oct-file that does the same thing
| > and I don't know if it respects the environment.. Perhaps it would be
| > save to stick to octave_config_info and have the getenv test for all args..
| > 
| > D.
| I attached my suggestion to this email.
|    Thomas
| 2007-10-29  Thomas Treichl  <address@hidden>
|       * pkg/pkg.m.m: Check for environment variables CC, CXX, AR, RANLIB
|       when calling ./configure and add quotes to preserve spaces.
| --- pkg/pkg.m.~1.65.~ 2007-10-26 21:49:29.000000000 +0200
| +++ pkg/pkg.m 2007-10-29 18:38:30.000000000 +0100
| @@ -1019,12 +1019,21 @@
|      src = fullfile (packdir, "src");
|      ## configure
|      if (exist (fullfile (src, "configure"), "file"))
| +      flags = "";
| +      if (isempty (getenv ("CC")))
| +        flags = strcat (flags, " CC=\"", octave_config_info ("CC"), "\"");
| +      endif
| +      if (isempty (getenv ("CXX")))
| +        flags = strcat (flags, " CXX=\"", octave_config_info ("CXX"), "\"");
| +      endif
| +      if (isempty (getenv ("AR")))
| +        flags = strcat (flags, " AR=\"", octave_config_info ("AR"), "\"");
| +      endif
| +      if (isempty (getenv ("RANLIB")))
| +        flags = strcat (flags, " RANLIB=\"", octave_config_info ("RANLIB"), 
| +      endif
|        [status, output] = shell (strcat ("cd ", src, "; ./configure 
| -                                      desc.dir, "\"",
| -                                      " CC=", octave_config_info ("CC"),
| -                                      " CXX=", octave_config_info ("CXX"),
| -                                      " AR=", octave_config_info ("AR"),
| -                                      " RANLIB=", octave_config_info 
| +                                        desc.dir, "\"", flags));
|        if (status != 0)
|       rm_rf (desc.dir);
|       error ("the configure script returned the following error: %s", output);

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