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Re: pkg manager and installing binary files (DLL)

From: David Bateman
Subject: Re: pkg manager and installing binary files (DLL)
Date: Sun, 20 May 2007 12:35:12 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20060921)

David Bateman wrote:

> The reason for the separate DLL is that I also linked the DLL against
> other oct-files for oct-files using the fixed type. See the examples
> directory.
> It worked under cygwin when I wrote it... I forced the DLL to be in the
> same directory as octave.dll and it worked.. I don't think the makefile
> does this though and it has to be done by hand. I wouldn't mind if you
> suggested a fix?

I thought about it a little more. There is a bin/ directory in the
packages that is added to the EXEC_PATH when the package is loaded. So
if the DLL is copied from src/ to bin/ directory when it is built, the
install should place it in bin/ in the installed package and it will be
on the path.

The only question I have is if the fact that it is added to the path
ater Octave was started will affect things. So Michael can you try to
create a bin directory in the fixed package, move the DLL to it and
restart Octave and see if it helped?


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