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Re: i18n

From: David Bateman
Subject: Re: i18n
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 2004 10:09:00 +0200
User-agent: Mutt/1.4.1i

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where I started trying to address this issue...


Daprès Paul Kienzle <address@hidden> (le 16/06/2004):
> On Jun 15, 2004, at 2:27 PM, Tomasv wrote:
> >- Translate software and documentation to spanish and portugues
> There is no work done on i18n for octave.
> Many tutorials exist already on the net.  Finding a good set and
> linking to them from http://wiki.octave.org would be useful.
> If you wanted to maintain a portuguese or spanish version of the
> documentation, you could store it in octave-forge.   Or you could
> store it at http://wiki.octave.org so that users can add to it when
> they need to.
> For the function descriptions, it is easy to replace help() so that it
> first looks for language specific help in a separate set of directories,
> or looks for help in the usual way if no translation exists.
> Making error messages to appear in your own language is harder.
> All messages go through error() and warning().  You can add
> a hash table loaded at runtime (Map lang<string,string>) depending
> on the environment variable LANG.  error and warning can look up
> each message and use a language specific replacement if it exists.
> You will need tools to find all the message strings in C++.
> Maybe you could look for the first argument after error and warning.
> That won't work if they are variables, so you might need a macro to
> mark them.  E.g.,
>       #define _(A) A
>          ...
>       char *msg = _("text");
> Then we can look for _("msg"), error("msg") and warning("msg"),
> returning anything which is a string.
> We can provide a _() command for use in m-files too.  This would return 
> the
> translated string for things like plot labels and output strings which 
> are not
> warnings or errors.  Warnings and error messages will use the lookup 
> table
> in the warning() and error() functions.
> Translation strings need to be associated with the toolbox rather than
> stored in a central database.  I suggest a local file (e.g., i18n.xx) 
> which
> stores the table for each directory.  When that directory is added to 
> the
> search path octave can add the strings in i18n.xx for the particular
> LANG=xx to its master table.  I'm ignoring the problem of removing a
> directory from a path.
> We need tools listing which strings have changed since they were last
> translated.
> Paul Kienzle
> address@hidden

David Bateman                                address@hidden
Motorola CRM                                 +33 1 69 35 48 04 (Ph) 
Parc Les Algorithmes, Commune de St Aubin    +33 1 69 35 77 01 (Fax) 
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