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[Octave-bug-tracker] [bug #65669] Memory Leak when Using Cell

From: Arun Giridhar
Subject: [Octave-bug-tracker] [bug #65669] Memory Leak when Using Cell
Date: Wed, 1 May 2024 18:57:46 -0400 (EDT)

Follow-up Comment #2, bug #65669 (group octave):

Works for me on Linux (not Ubuntu though).

I modified the test code to add some whos and printf statements:

gatherFun = @(n) zeros(n, 160000, "single");
numPts = randi([3 11], [1600 1]);
numRuns = 2;
for curRun = 1:numRuns
  printf ("Starting iteration# %d\n", curRun)

  myData = cellfun(gatherFun, num2cell(numPts), "UniformOutput", false);

  # Manual release of memory
  for chunk = 1:numel(myData)
    myData{chunk} = 0;

  printf ("Ending iteration# %d\n", curRun)

clear all

This is what I get with both Octave 9 and Octave 10 on Linux:

Starting iteration# 1
Variables visible from the current scope:

variables in scope: top scope

  Attr   Name           Size                     Bytes  Class
  ====   ====           ====                     =====  ===== 
         chunk          1x1                          8  double
         curRun         1x1                          8  double
         gatherFun      1x1                          0  function_handle
         myData      1600x1                      12800  cell
         numPts      1600x1                      12800  double
         numRuns        1x1                          8  double

Total is 3204 elements using 25624 bytes

Ending iteration# 1
Starting iteration# 2
Variables visible from the current scope:

variables in scope: top scope

  Attr   Name           Size                     Bytes  Class
  ====   ====           ====                     =====  ===== 
         chunk          1x1                          8  double
         curRun         1x1                          8  double
         gatherFun      1x1                          0  function_handle
         myData      1600x1                      12800  cell
         numPts      1600x1                      12800  double
         numRuns        1x1                          8  double

Total is 3204 elements using 25624 bytes

Ending iteration# 2
Variables visible from the current scope:

variables in scope: top scope

  Attr   Name           Size                     Bytes  Class
  ====   ====           ====                     =====  ===== 
         chunk          1x1                          8  double
         curRun         1x1                          8  double
         gatherFun      1x1                          0  function_handle
         myData      1600x1                      12800  cell
         numPts      1600x1                      12800  double
         numRuns        1x1                          8  double

Total is 3204 elements using 25624 bytes

octave:8> whos

Can you confirm that the memory you see in `top` is actually *used* by Octave
and not just cached by the OS? You can try changing the system's swappiness.
Or before that you could try something like "sudo sync ;        sudo sysctl -w
vm.drop_caches=3" if you understand what those commands do.


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