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Re: [ANNOUNCE] nano-8.0 is released

From: Seb
Subject: Re: [ANNOUNCE] nano-8.0 is released
Date: Mon, 6 May 2024 14:02:02 +0200 (CEST)
User-agent: Alpine 2.21 (DEB 202 2017-01-01)

Hi Benno,

Strange.  Please search for "hex codes" in src/winio.c, comment
the #ifdef and #endif around that piece of code, and recompile.
Then run `src/nano 2>TRAIL; cat TRAIL` and type:

 Alt+Home  Alt+End  Alt+PgUp  Alt+PgDn  ^X

Then paste the result here.  For me this gives:
 Sequence of hex codes: 21e
 Sequence of hex codes: 219
 Sequence of hex codes: 22d
 Sequence of hex codes:  18

Here is the result:

Sequence of hex codes:  1b  5b  37  fe
Sequence of hex codes:  1b  5b  38  fe
Sequence of hex codes:  1b  5b  35  3b  33  7e
Sequence of hex codes:  1b  5b  36  3b  33  7e
Sequence of hex codes:  18

Also, what terminal are you using


and what is TERM set to?


NB: I see that the binary file is 1/3 lighter than the nano 7.x I was using before.

Strange. When using the same CFLAGS, nano-8.0 should be about three percent larger than nano-7.2.

Ah, sorry, I skipped 7.2 so I was comparing 8.0 with 7.1 .


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