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Re: [Nano-devel] what to put where in the title bar

From: David Ramsey
Subject: Re: [Nano-devel] what to put where in the title bar
Date: Mon, 4 Sep 2017 18:33:11 -0500

Benno Schulenberg:

> Well, if [1/15] is put after the file name, it means it will jump
> around in the title bar along with differently sized filenames.  I
> don't like that.  And it can't be put at the right side because that
> is reserved for "Modified".  So the most logical place is at the left
> -- always in the same spot.

Okay.  But if you switch from file [9/15] to file [10/15], the filename
will jump in the title bar as well.  Given that, shouldn't the first
number be left-padded with zeroes so that it takes up the same number of
columns as the second number?  [1/2] would remain unchanged; [9/15]
would become [09/15], so that the next switch would make it [10/15]
without moving the relative position of the filename.  (Opening a tenth
file when nine are open, or closing a file when ten are open, would make
it jump, but that would be unavoidable, and it would happen with or
without the zero-padding anyway.)


> (But I must say that I don't like it that the [1/2] changes to GNU
> nano x.y.z when closing the penultimate buffer -- it is unexpected and
> surprising.  So maybe we will have to drop the version display
> entirely after all.)

So, then, with the constraints you've pointed out, what we need in the
long term seems to be (assuming a modified file, and assuming you agree
with my point above):

[01/15] whatever.txt Modified

If this is the best we can do, I'd be okay with it.

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