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[Monotone-devel] [RFC] new guitone version

From: Thomas Keller
Subject: [Monotone-devel] [RFC] new guitone version
Date: Fri, 15 Dec 2006 04:11:45 +0100
User-agent: Thunderbird (Macintosh/20061025)

Hi all!

A new version of guitone will probably popup in the next couple of days (as soon as mtn 0.32 is released and I got all bugs fixed), for this I just pushed 016789f5b4600b8cd1516ed83d59eb09a28dfc7d to, which should be pretty much feature complete. However, my problem is that I can only test on OSX, as I don't have a Linux or even working Windows installation floating around. Some new features (f.e. open files on double click, menu options) may or may not work correctly on different platforms, but I can't fix that until I get feedback from users on these platforms. So before guitone is announced on all different channels and binaries are built aso., I'd like you to check it out. You need an up-to-date mtn (interface version at least 4.0) and Qt 4.2 ready to build. I can supply an OSX static app bundle if there is the need for something like that, other than that you're pretty much on your own, since Ingo, the Windows guy, hasn't had time recently to check if it runs at all there, so there might be crashes...

So, finally, here is an excerpt of the ChangeLog for what should become 0.5. Since my wedding is this Saturday I won't be around much until Sunday evening CET, so please be patient with your emails. Other than that you can also enter bugs/suggestions/whatever into the bugtracker on[0].

Thanks for your patience!



????-??-?? (0.5)
 - new: completion support in the switch workspace revision dialog's input
- new: key management dialog which includes the possibility to generate new keys
   and some simple clipboard copy functionality
- new: if there are uncommitted changes, the appropriate dirs and files are
   recursively printed bold
- new: possibility to open files from guitone with the default registered program - new: file diff dialog which shows differences in individual files in context
   and with a nice bar on the right
 - new: revision diff dialog which shows all differences in a selected dir
   (context: "Diff all")
 - new: about dialog for contact info and license display
- improved: more view states available - its now possible to only show the file/tree
   view with files of a certain state
- improved: default actions (item doubleclick) are now visualized with bold text - improved: mtn version is now checked also on program startup, additionally the output of interface_version is taken into consideration (if a recent version of guitone needs a recent version of monotone which is yet unreleased, the interface_version is already bumped, the release version probably not...)
 - fixed: do not read attributes for deleted items
 - fixed: removed "one level up" label in favor of much simpler ".."
 - fixed: file/folder list is now sorted ascending by default
- fixed: osx: about and preferences dialogs should be properly put into the app menu
   (yet untranslated, however)
- fixed: utf8 data (filenames, ...) should now work proper with the monotone wrapper
 - internal: code cleanup and tons of minor bugfixes
- internal: guitone should now also compile cleanly without pch enabled, also made this more verbose and error-prone for universal builds where pch need to be disabled - internal: moved codebase into a subdir config to support easy drop-ins of external libraries, libqanava should have been the first giving guitone a fancy graphical revision view, but this didn't work because the software is still incomplete and
   thus was removed
- other: guitone now comes with a script which creates on demand a monolithic OSX application package after build (it copies and relinks all needed Qt libraries)

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