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Re: [Monotone-devel] mnt: fatal: std::logic_error: err

From: Pablo Di Noto
Subject: Re: [Monotone-devel] mnt: fatal: std::logic_error: error
Date: Tue, 05 Dec 2006 11:31:49 +0000
User-agent: Icedove (X11/20061121)


On Thu, Nov 30, 2006 at 10:12:08AM +0000, Pablo Di Noto wrote:
I am really new to Monotone.

Well, hope you like it (once you get past this...) :-).

I am liking the support and interest to check bug reports already!  :-)

Definitely either a bug or some sort of data corruption
somewhere... pretty strange in any case.

Can you run the command again with --debug, and save the log
somewhere?  Alternatively, if that's too large, you should be able to
run it with just --dump=<file>, and when it crashes it will dump out
the last part of the log to <file>.

I am doing that, with --dump since the amount of output is really big. One strange thing: Is it normal to have non-printable output while in debug mode?

I see lots of "mtn: binding 2 with value ' <<lots of non-printing chars spanning up to 5 lines>> '" and sometimes the terminal is screwed by those, leading to charset shift or simply turning underscore on...

Yes, I checked the memory and actually using the very same machine to build complete toolchains with other tools, which give me some confidence in the hardware. Of course, that is no a definitive test.

Will provide dump as soon -and if- it crashes.


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