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Re: [Monotone-devel] m7 rises from the dead... reborn with new non-irrit

From: Ulf Ochsenfahrt
Subject: Re: [Monotone-devel] m7 rises from the dead... reborn with new non-irritating behavior!
Date: Tue, 07 Nov 2006 18:58:48 +0100
User-agent: Icedove (X11/20061013)

Hugo Cornelis wrote:



and so on.

This automates building releases, and avoids human errors.  The
release number is saved in a small database, currently included in the
project, such that a next release number can be generated from the
database.  The downside is that this database is committed with the
project and that a tag is set on the previous revision, after
incrementing the version number.  Both these operations can possibly
fail and leave the system in an inconsistent state, because the
repository is kind of ahead of the released package.  This is just a
minor issue, but it makes me feel uncomfortable.

So far the script works without problems.  I am just wondering about
the relationship between what you have done and what I have done ?
Can I use your versioning method in combination with my keyword
expander and build automake packages for heccer and neurospaces
automatically ?  Can I use m7 and monotone interchangebly for monotone
functions ?  I.e. I only have to call m7 to get the version number ?

The problem with local revision numbers, AFAICT, is that they are, indeed, local. You can't ever make a release from a different machine. You can't even move to a different machine yourself*. And when monotone changes its internal storage, all kinds of things can go haywire.

In short:
Don't use local revision numbers to construct (apparently) globally unique revision numbers. It doesn't work.

In general, you can't guarantee monotonely (a pun?) increasing revision numbers in a distributed system. Ever. What might work for you is some combination of
 1) allowing only a single person to make releases
    (other people making releases are punished by ignorance)
 2) using a file in the repository that contains the current release number
3) I'm sure there are other ways, and someone will hopefully be so nice as to point them out.

If you happen to want releases with local revision numbers, go ahead and use Larry's script. Just don't complain if something breaks because of the above. You have been warned.


-- Ulf

PS: This post is not meant as a thrashing, just well-intended advice.

* Except if you make an bitwise exact copy of your archive.

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