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Re: [Monotone-devel] Re: user-friendly hash formats, redux

From: Brian P. Campbell
Subject: Re: [Monotone-devel] Re: user-friendly hash formats, redux
Date: Thu, 9 Dec 2004 20:18:27 -0500

I've been following this discussion on friendlier ways of representing revisions, and I'd just like to add my own two cents. I should add the caveat that I've never used monotone for any real projects, so I don't actually know how well certain things work, but this is what I think of the various ideas.

I don't like the bibblebabble or TLW suggestions. I think that, as Graydon says, they look kind of crazy, and aren't really memorable enough to be worth making monotone even more strange. I think one thing that would help a lot is to make the hex identifiers monotone prints be shorter. '3b12b2d0b31439bd50976633db1895cff8b19da0' is a lot more scary than '3b12'. I think that shorter hash prefixes like that are actually perfectly manageable, much more so than "JimBowHunTogFoo". If monotone would print 3b12 instead of the full string, that would be less intimidating to users, easier to deal with, and fix most of the things that the bibblebabble type suggestions deal with. There remains the question of how to choose how much of the prefex to print.

Some people have suggested automatically determining how many to print based on the minimum number needed to uniquely identify any item in the database. This would provide the shortest possible output, although for small projects at first, it could cause problems, because two people might only get two digits worth of output, which collide when they try and talk to each other. It might be better to divide it into chunks of 4 hex digits, and print out as many of those chunks as necessary. Two of those chunks should probably be enough for most repositories, and 3 should be enough for anything but massively huge repositories (according to some hasty and probably not very accurate calculations, 12 hex digits gets you a 99.9% chance of having no collisions between 1 million identifiers). I think that it wouldn't be too bad to see and type something like 3b12.b2d0 or even 2650.ffc6.60dd. Since 8 digits should be enough for most purposes, and people memorize and recite 7 digit phone numbers (in the US) all the time, I think it sounds pretty reasonable.

As far as all of the proposals for stable, meaningful, cross database identifiers, all of the proposals so far seem fairly cumbersome, and change or conflict with fairly large parts of monotone's architecture. Once you start talking about, you might as well just use the selectors that are already built in. I think the current set of selectors could be enhanced a little. For instance, various people have discussed adding +n or -n for walking up and down the tree, which I think is a great idea. Also, it would be nice if there were some really easy way of adding a tag to a revision as you were checking it in. Then you could use the tag selector to get different revisions. Perhaps when you do a commit, some specially delimited portion of the log message could be considered a tag. Or maybe you could just add matching against log messages to the set of selectors. But having something descriptive that you can match against using the selectors, and can apply when doing a commit, would be nice. Finally, I think the default date format should be changed. "T" just isn't a good delimiter; I can't immediately scan it and see the separation between date and time. I realize that that is an ISO standard, but I don't think it's a very good one. Using just a space would make it much easier to read, but really any standard delimiter character would work better than a "T". I find it hard to use date and time stamps in specifiers because when I'm looking at a date/time that has been printed out as part of a certificate, I can't really parse it easily.

Also, as far as easy parsing, the current format that certificates are printed out in makes them hard to read. There's just too much junk on the screen. I think that easily being able to read the certificates will also help selectors be more useful, since it will mean that people can refer to that information more easily. Something like this:

date: 2004-10-26 02:53:08
author: address@hidden
changelog: initial checkin of project

Is much easier to read than:

     Key   : address@hidden
     Sig   : ok
     Name  : branch
     Value :
     Key   : address@hidden
     Sig   : ok
     Name  : date
     Value : 2004-10-26T02:53:08
     Key   : address@hidden
     Sig   : ok
     Name  : author
     Value : address@hidden
     Key   : address@hidden
     Sig   : ok
     Name  : changelog
     Value : initial checkin of project

If you feel that including the key is really necessary, you could group all certificates signed by the same key together, and print it like this:

date: 2004-10-26 02:53:08
author: address@hidden
changelog: initial checkin of project


Anyhow, those are my suggestions for what should be done about the issue of large random hex strings being cumbersome to use. I think if you added these features, and edited the tutorial to use them, people wouldn't be nearly so scared, and it would make working with monotone easier.

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