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Re: [monit] monit hosts getting IP reset to

From: Brendan Martens
Subject: Re: [monit] monit hosts getting IP reset to
Date: Tue, 27 Oct 2009 12:20:17 -0400

I've had a thought that may be an important detail... I use a proxy connection from apache to serve mmonit on port 80, and only run mmonit on in order to keep that unavailable to the public. Perhaps the fact that the monit reports are coming from apache on the local machine are somehow messing with the automatic host configuration? I have not ever run mmonit any other way, so if this IS the cause it would be a regression.


On Oct 27, 2009, at 12:12 PM, Brendan Martens wrote:

I believe this is just happening since upgrading to mmonit 2.1. It seems that every time my hosts check in to mmonit, they have their IP addresses changed to, but only in the mmonit web gui. The mysql db still show the correct IP address. This causes me to not be able to look at/interact with those individual monit nodes without resetting their IPs to the correct value, which will promptly be reverted anyways.

I haven't changed anything but mmonit version (and I did run the db upgrade script per the instructions,) and everything seems to be fine on the node sides (at least on the nodes I expect to be working, that were working before.)

Any ideas? I'm not sure where else to look to troubleshoot this. Neither the monit nor the mmonit logs seem to show anything helpful/ related.


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