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Example monit configuration using M4

From: Vlada Macek
Subject: Example monit configuration using M4
Date: Wed, 10 Nov 2004 11:31:32 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.7.3) Gecko/20040914

On the monit mailing list, some users are quite often asking how to
semi-automatically customize the monit configuration for multiple
servers (e.g. in cluster).

They are advised to use several approaches. For example to use scripting
or high-level languages for picking up the right configuration for the

Several months ago I decided to try what I call The Right Tool For The
Job, the text processor M4 for this task. It appeared to be a success at
my side, I'm successfully using it. The side effect of this way is that
(thanks to M4 macros), my source configuration is looks brief and
readable, though I monitor many resources.

I'd like to present my results to the community for the case anyone is
interested and would need some kick-start. I also include the external
checking script. I played with all of this for an amount of time, some
useful tips may be found inside.

I hope this will help someone. Please let me know. I'd be delighted if
monit developers decide to put my contribution on the web or to the package.

(The included README contains a bit more info. In case the attachments
will get modified badly, please let me know. I'll publish the files
another way.)

Have a nice day!


(Sometimes credited as 1494 F8DD 6379 4CD7 E7E3 1FC9 D750 4243 1F05 9424.)

Monit configuration example using M4

Vlada Macek <tuttle a bbs d cvut d cz>
November 10, 2004

On the monit mailing list, some users are quite often asking how to
semi-automatically customize the monit configuration for multiple servers
(e.g. in cluster).

They are advised to use several approaches. For example to use scripting or
high-level languages for picking up the right configuration for the servers.

Several months ago I decided to try what I call The Right Tool For The Job,
the text processor M4 for this task. It appeared to be a success at my side,
I'm successfully using it. The side effect of this way is that (thanks to M4
macros), my source configuration is looks brief and readable, though I
monitor many resources.

I'd like to present my results to the community for the case anyone is
interested and would need some kick-start. This README will not discuss the
details, you'll need to dig in to the files to get the clue.

I also include the external checking script. I played with all of this for
an amount of time, some useful tips may be found inside.

Note: This is all developed on Linux. There are considerable differences in
M4 processor on some other platforms. Don't forget to open your M4 manual
(it's an interesting reading anyway).

Note2: The identifiable information here is fake.

I hope this will help someone. Please let me know.

--  Overview:  --------------------------------------------------------------

        This is a M4 compilation shortcut. Also a good moment to backup all
        tested files to a specific directory. It came in handy several times for
        me to be able to peek at the previous versions and saw what have
        changed. SHA1 sums of all files contained in the tarball is also
        computed and stored in the list for a later quick reference.


        Main stub configuration file. Contains common definitions for all
        servers. Finally, M4 includes particular source file by the servername
        (e.g. given in and includes its source file.


        We define some M4 macros here. See comments inside for more information.
        These macros serve as shorthanding the monit configuration. Monit config
        syntax is normally nicely verbose, but when lots of tested resources are
        involved, the admin may welcome concise form such the one provided here.


        When you run ./ on machine called `dilbert', this file will
        get included. As you may notice, this example serves a bit like an
        Intrusion Detection System. I know there are advanced and more competent
        IDSes available, but this is a temporary setup inherited from someone
        else until I engage some real IDS. Just wanted to show the M4.

        Script for quick including some file to the configuration. Running this:

                ./ freefile /etc/passwd

        something like this is printed to stdout:

                check file passwd_file with path /etc/passwd
                        PUGHTS(, 644, root, root, 
edc54f79d58ff03a195d30e77ecc9ca452fc3721, VAR)
                        group freefile

                # depends on passwd_file

        The M4 config described so far has the advantage, that everything is
        pre-compiled into one monitrc that matters and could be checked for
        changes. Just for the curious I include my "external" script that is run
        with a short period to monitor monit and several other stuff that monit
        itself is not able to check.


# $Id:,v 1.3 2004/09/14 14:44:42 cvs Exp $

HOST="`uname -n`"
BACKSAFE_FILE="backsafe-`uname -n`-`date +'%Y%m%d-%H%M%S'`"

echo "Compiling the configuration to the 'output' file..."

m4 monitrc.m4 -DTHISHOST="$HOST" -DTHISDOMAIN="$DOMAIN" > output

echo "Making backsafe to $BACKSAFE_PATH..."

cd "$BACKSAFE_PATH" || {
        echo "Error chdir to $BACKSAFE_PATH"
        exit 1

grep 'check file' /etc/monit.d/output | grep -v '^#' | cut -d' ' -f6 > 

PL="`grep ^/proc/ backsafe_list`"
[ -n "$PL" ] && {
        cp -L --parents $PL $BACKSAFE_PATH

nice tar clvf "${BACKSAFE_FILE}.tar" -T backsafe_list --exclude /proc
nice tar rlvf "${BACKSAFE_FILE}.tar" proc
rm -rf proc

echo "Computing sums..."

cat backsafe_list | while read F; do
        sha1sum "$F" >> "${BACKSAFE_FILE}.sums"

echo "Updating perms..."

chown -R root:root "$BACKSAFE_PATH"
chmod go= "$BACKSAFE_PATH"

echo "Compressing backsafe on the background..."

nohup nice bzip2 -9 "${BACKSAFE_FILE}.tar" &

sleep 1
# Control file for monit
# M4 input CVS version: $Id: monitrc.m4,v 1.5 2004/07/26 13:05:00 cvs Exp $

dnl     This needs to be processed by m4 macro processor. Warning: There
dnl     are considerable incompatibilities in M4 between platforms.
dnl     Quick intro to m4:
dnl             Quoted string (`string') is fixed and unprocessed.
dnl             `divert(-1)' disables the output until `divert' is called.
dnl             But macros are still processed in contrast to `#' comments.
dnl             `dnl' reads and discards all characters, up to and
dnl             including the first newline. See m4 man of info pages.
dnl     Let's include some macros.

dnl     The following warning should make it to the distilled files
dnl     and warn user there. Does not state truth here.
### Warning: This is GENERATED FILE! Do NOT EDIT! Your changes may be lost.
### Edit M4 originals instead!
dnl     ---

# Common settings

set daemon 300                  # Poll each n seconds

set logfile /var/log/monit      # Write log to own file

set statefile   /var/run/monit.state    # Unified place for the state file
                                        # (checking its timestamp from cron).
set mail-format {
        from: address@hidden
     subject: $HOST alert: $EVENT $SERVICE, $ACTION, $DATE
                Generic monit alert message.

set alert address@hidden        # Send an email whenever an event occurred on 
any service

set mailserver ...              # Send to the second if the first is unavailable

set httpd port 81 and use address THISHOST.THISDOMAIN
        allow localhost                         # Allow localhost to connect
        allow ...                               # Allow Basic Auth
        allow ... read-only                     # Low privilege account
        signature disable                       # Don't be too verbose


# Common filesystems

check device root_dev with path /bin

check device var_dev with path /var/cache

# Common directories

check directory temp_dir with path /tmp
        PUGHTS(alert, 1777, root, root)

check directory roothome_dir with path /root
        PUGHTS(alert, 700, root, root)

check directory etc_dir with path /etc
        PUGHTS(alert, 755, root, root, , VAR)

# Included machine dependent settings follow

We expect two macros to be set from the command line:

        m4 -DTHISHOST=dilbert

Now we will undefine some words that accidentally might be expanded as macros.


We're about to define the following macros now:

        DEVICEUSAGE(percent-to-alert, percent-to-stop)
        PUGHTS([action], [perm], [uid], [gid], [checksum|VAR],
               [timestamp expression|VAR], [size expression|VAR])
        ICMPALERT([timeout in seconds])
        TOOMANYRESTARTS         (simple expand)

Sanity checks:

ifdef(`THISHOST', ,     `errprint(`Fatal: THISHOST macro must be set.

ifdef(`THISDOMAIN', ,   `errprint(`Fatal: THISDOMAIN macro must be set.

And now for the control macros:

define(`DEVICEUSAGE', `dnl
ifelse($1, `', , `if space usage > $1 % then alert
        if inode usage > $1 % then alert')
ifelse($2, `', , `if space usage > $2 % then stop
        if inode usage > $2 % then stop')

define(`PUGHTS', `define(`ACTOMIT', ifelse($1, `', `unmonitor', `$1'))dnl
ifelse($2, `', ,  `if failed  perm $2  then ACTOMIT')
        ifelse($3, `', ,  `if failed  uid $3  then ACTOMIT')
        ifelse($4, `', ,  `if failed  gid $4  then ACTOMIT')
        ifelse($5, `VAR', `if changed checksum  then ACTOMIT',
               $5, `', ,  `if failed  checksum expect $5 then ACTOMIT')
        ifelse($6, `VAR', `if changed timestamp then ACTOMIT',
               $6, `', ,  `if timestamp $6 then ACTOMIT')
        ifelse($7, `VAR', `if changed size      then ACTOMIT',
               $7, `', ,  `if size $7 then ACTOMIT')`'dnl

define(`ICMPALERT', `if failed icmp type echo with timeout ifelse($1, `', `15 
seconds', `$1') then alert')

define(`TOOMANYRESTARTS', `if 3 restarts within 5 cycles then timeout')

# Monit configuration subfile for particular server
# It is included by other files.
# M4 input CVS version: $Id: dilbert.m4,v 1.18 2004/11/10 09:02:07 cvs Exp $

# Local files

check file aliases_file with path /etc/aliases
        PUGHTS(alert, 644, root, root, 
e1befd537dfb6a947b39a134504bb62756a425f4, VAR)
        group freefile

check file aliases_db_file with path /etc/aliases.db
        PUGHTS(alert, 644, root, root, , VAR)
        group freefile

check file status4monit_file with path /var/run/status4monit
        if timestamp > 10 minutes then alert    # File needs to be updated 
every 5 mins!
        PUGHTS(alert, 600, root, root)
        group freefile

check file status4monit_bin with path /root/crontab_scripts/
        PUGHTS(, 700, root, root, , VAR)
        group freefile

check file raid_status_file with path /proc/mdstat
        if failed checksum expect a3d258a5f75c36507e423923dbed425893ba1a43 then 
        group freefile

check file proc_modules_file with path /proc/modules
        if size != 0 B then alert
        group freefile

check file proc_partitions_file with path /proc/partitions
        if failed checksum expect ac492a6c0faaa42fb47ed655d24332634b2234d0 then 
        group freefile

check file inittab_file with path /etc/inittab
        PUGHTS(alert, 644, root, root, 
f216834bf4fbc3bbbd2b7ef8c219ab341fe18582, VAR)
        group freefile

check file passwd_file with path /etc/passwd
        PUGHTS(alert, 644, root, root, 
1aa62f378c212ae43c0ddf0503bf1fb78515328a, VAR)
        group freefile


# Local binaries

check file login_bin with path /bin/login
        PUGHTS(alert, 755, root, root, 
0a74fa4b1dc40ee29284f55798b56ca67a9a2c3f, VAR)
        group freebin

check file ps_bin with path /bin/ps
        PUGHTS(alert, 555, root, root, 
ffdaf0d89e62825c19e0d71da4b8c9dcbc226c24, VAR)
        group freebin

check file sendmail_bin with path /usr/sbin/sendmail.sendmail
        PUGHTS(alert, 4555, root, root, 
558667a1bfa22f6221d316c54e8826b19a8afec1, VAR)
        group freebin

check file ifconfig_bin with path /sbin/ifconfig
        PUGHTS(alert, 755, root, root, 
5d4d2426a10af5a5a96883155e58e6be04791562, VAR)
        group freebin

check file netstat_bin with path /bin/netstat
        PUGHTS(alert, 755, root, root, 
413bda08012ba9b388586ec5d4e2b48e496e0203, VAR)
        group freebin


# Local services + control files

check process apache_proc with pidfile /var/run/
        start program = "/etc/init.d/httpd start"
        stop  program = "/etc/init.d/httpd stop"
        depends on httpd_bin, httpd_conf_file
        group apache

        if failed host www.THISDOMAIN port 80 protocol http and request "/" 
then restart

        if cpu > 95% for 5 cycles then restart
        if children > 20 then restart
        if loadavg(5min) > 10 for 8 cycles then stop

check file httpd_bin with path /usr/sbin/httpd
        PUGHTS(, 755, root, root, 6726233a9fdaf68e702b5796bef31e2c30339994, VAR)
        group apache

check file httpd_conf_file with path /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
        PUGHTS(, 644, root, root, 91ebaf22e5f055e4b211af7cd45e1cbc5289d065, VAR)
        group apache


check process xinetd_proc with pidfile /var/run/
        start program = "/etc/init.d/xinetd start"
        stop  program = "/etc/init.d/xinetd stop"
        depends on xinetd_bin, ipop3d_bin, proftpd_bin, proftpd_conf_file, 
        group xinetd

        if failed host THISHOST.THISDOMAIN port 110 type TCP protocol POP then 
        if failed host THISHOST.THISDOMAIN port 21  type TCP protocol FTP then 

check file xinetd_bin with path /usr/sbin/xinetd
        PUGHTS(, 755, root, root, fd134937b2ca3610e5aea62b7f02f055b33f2d3a, VAR)
        group xinetd

check file ipop3d_bin with path /usr/sbin/ipop3d
        PUGHTS(, 755, root, root, 4dcaeebdd1337510c04439c809970be0ca654889, VAR)
        group xinetd

check file proftpd_bin with path /usr/sbin/in.proftpd
        PUGHTS(, 755, root, root, a171409a1be6da77aaff3874c7c9d443edca9e94, VAR)
        group xinetd

check file proftpd_conf_file with path /etc/proftpd.conf
        PUGHTS(, 600, root, root, 6c6ccd2128105ef54d503ea0316efde4e990304f, VAR)
        group xinetd

check file proftpdpasswd_file with path /etc/proftpdpasswd
        PUGHTS(, 640, root, visitors, 8a2458ca08658ed1adfd816e98523a9a39bdef63, 
        group xinetd


check process mailscanner_proc with pidfile /var/run/
        start program = "/etc/init.d/MailScanner start"
        stop  program = "/etc/init.d/MailScanner stop"
        depends on sendmail_bin, perl_bin, sendmail_cf_file, 
        group email

        if failed host THISHOST.THISDOMAIN port 25 type TCP protocol SMTP then 

        if cpu > 95% for 5 cycles then restart

check file perl_bin with path /usr/bin/perl
        PUGHTS(, 755, root, root, 85f6bad370ad6cceeb51a40399d87cd6f24d8391, VAR)
        group email

check file sendmail_cf_file with path /etc/
        PUGHTS(, 640, root, root, bd188d4f345b68c36bf821d8eb614332ffeb9bec, VAR)
        group email

check file mailscanner_conf_file with path /etc/MailScanner/MailScanner.conf
        PUGHTS(, 640, root, root, d410b88ced3521ecac1e8a461f8239bd60690332, VAR)
        group email


check process sshd_proc with pidfile /var/run/
        start program = "/etc/init.d/sshd start"    
        stop  program = "/etc/init.d/sshd stop"    
        depends on sshd_bin, ssh_bin, ssh_config_file, ssh_host_dsa_key_file, 
ssh_host_dsa_key_pub_file, ssh_host_key_file, ssh_host_key_pub_file, 
ssh_host_rsa_key_file, ssh_host_rsa_key_pub_file, sshd_config_file
        group sshd

        if failed port 22 type TCP protocol ssh then restart

check file sshd_bin with path /usr/sbin/sshd
        PUGHTS(, 755, root, root, 1135895ae075112d42bb271e50330ff04c4742ef, VAR)
        group sshd

check file ssh_bin with path /usr/bin/ssh
        PUGHTS(, 4755, root, root, 291eb820b1ea75d6c1cdeea02eacd7e8e41deb9e, 
        group sshd

check file ssh_config_file with path /etc/ssh/ssh_config
        PUGHTS(, 644, root, root, bcbcb85006b35e30dcabef1eefd2c8471802574b, VAR)
        group sshd

check file sshd_config_file with path /etc/ssh/sshd_config
        PUGHTS(, 644, root, root, e8e9f85111f86c71b2a88fb1ada4ef61c2eaaa58, VAR)
        group sshd

check file ssh_host_dsa_key_file with path /etc/ssh/ssh_host_dsa_key
        PUGHTS(, 600, root, root, 5e31e4afae286dca19d4918729c9b3a2947a3e0a, VAR)
        group sshd

check file ssh_host_dsa_key_pub_file with path /etc/ssh/
        PUGHTS(, 644, root, root, ba88309e4e92dc9fc40d9742a4d87dbd4d88aab0, VAR)
        group sshd

check file ssh_host_key_file with path /etc/ssh/ssh_host_key
        PUGHTS(, 600, root, root, dcdbfb9aa88ee0b0e1d819e009caa9a2fb856589, VAR)
        group sshd

check file ssh_host_key_pub_file with path /etc/ssh/
        PUGHTS(, 644, root, root, 62df722e4158b57b97b37feb8c5b80ee2e4244c6, VAR)
        group sshd

check file ssh_host_rsa_key_file with path /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key
        PUGHTS(, 600, root, root, 7cf4d88259e1c464592da6d13ca448dbe74c9d1d, VAR)
        group sshd

check file ssh_host_rsa_key_pub_file with path /etc/ssh/
        PUGHTS(, 644, root, root, 4872514feea52e208a09c92cb91a9c188eeec320, VAR)
        group sshd


# Remote Zope instance

check host zope_http with address 
        if failed port 8080 type TCP protocol HTTP then alert

# Ping other servers

check host dogbert_ping with address
check host firewall_ping with address
        ICMPALERT(25 seconds)
# Example script prints the file checking definition
# for monit ctl file (
# $Id:,v 1.1 2004/07/16 21:15:21 cvs Exp $

if [ "$#" -lt 2 ]; then
        echo "Usage: ${0##*/} monitgroup filename [filename [...]]"
        exit 1

# Save the group name



while [ -n "$1" ]; do
        # Check whether we got absolute or relative path.
        if [ "${1:0:1}" == "/" ]; then
        if [ ! -f "$FILENAME" ]; then
                echo "${0##*/}: File $FILENAME does not exist or is not 

        # Compute a hash.
        HASH="`sha1sum $FILENAME 2>/dev/null | cut -b1-40`"
        # Aletrnative computation.
        if [ -z "$HASH" ]; then
                HASH="`monit -H $FILENAME | head -1 | cut -d' ' -f3`"
                if [ -z "$HASH" ]; then
                        echo "${0##*/}: Cannot compute hash of file $FILENAME."
                        exit 1
        # Trim the filename.
        # Get other file properties.
        PROPS="`find "$FILENAME" -printf '%m, %u, %g'`"
        # Output.
        echo "check file ${JUSTNAME}_file with path $FILENAME"
        echo -e '\tPUGHTS(, '"$PROPS"', '"$HASH"', VAR)'
        echo -e '\tgroup '"$GR"

        if [ -n "$ALLFLS" ]; then
                ALLFLS="$ALLFLS, ${JUSTNAME}_file"


echo "# depends on $ALLFLS"
# $Id:,v 1.16 2004/11/10 09:03:33 cvs Exp $




# Redirect both stdout and stderr to the file.
exec &> "$OUTFILE"


MQL="`mailq | wc -l`"

if [ "$MQL" -lt "1" ]; then
        echo "Less than 1 lines of mail queue list!"
elif [ "$MQL" -gt "30" ]; then
        echo "The queue of undelivered mail messages is too long ($MQL lines)!"
        echo "OK: Number of lines in mail queue list is between 1 and 30."

echo "---"

UPT="`cat /proc/uptime | cut -d. -f1`"

if [ "$UPT" -ge 900 ]; then
        echo "OK: Kernel uptime is above 15 minutes."
        echo "Kernel uptime is less than 15 minutes! Server recently rebooted."

echo "---"

IPT="`/sbin/iptables-save | grep -v ^# | sed -e 's/\[[^]]*\]//g' | sha1sum | 
cut -b-40`"
if [ "$IPT" = "$GOOD_IPTABLES" ]; then
        echo "OK: iptables rules hash okay."
        echo "Iptables hash failed."
        echo "$IPT, should be: $GOOD_IPTABLES"

echo "---"


#if [ -f "$MST" ]; then
MST2="`find $MST -mmin -$MAXAGE`"
if [ "$MST" == "$MST2" ]; then
        echo "OK: According to $MST file, the monit process is alive."
        echo "Warning: $MST file is older than $MAXAGE minutes or does not 
exist. File info:"
        ls -la --full-time "$MST"

echo "---"

HAS="`sha1sum /etc/monitrc | cut -b-40`"
if [ "$HAS" = "$GOOD_MONITRC" ]; then
        echo "OK: /etc/monitrc hash okay."
        echo "Hash of /etc/monitrc failed."
        echo "$HAS, should be: $GOOD_MONITRC"
        cat /etc/monitrc

echo "---"

NET="`netstat -naeeeop`"
LIN="`echo \"$NET\" | wc -l`"
if [ "$LIN" -lt 2 -o "$LIN" -gt 500 ]; then
        echo "Netstat output is not between allowed limits."
        echo "$NET"
        echo "OK: Netstat output lines number okay."

echo "---"

# Restrict the access to the file.
chown root:root "$OUTFILE" "$HASHFILE"
chmod 0600 "$OUTFILE" "$HASHFILE"

if [ -n "$BAD" ]; then
        SUBJECT="address@hidden -n`: $BAD"
        SUBJECT="address@hidden -n`: ok"

HAS="`sha1sum $OUTFILE | cut -b-40`"

if [ "$HAS" != "$PRE" ]; then
        cat "$OUTFILE" | mail address@hidden -s "$SUBJECT"
        echo "$HAS" > "$HASHFILE"

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: OpenPGP digital signature

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