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Some ideas...

From: Christian Hopp
Subject: Some ideas...
Date: Wed, 24 Nov 2004 10:40:40 +0100 (CET)


* We should intergrate the debian package building patches into the
  monit tree.  First of all its easier for Debian users to use new
  monit releases.  And it might make it easier for the package
  maintainer to make new packages.

* This one might sound a bit esoteric but it might be useful.  The
  syntax for "check process" only supports pidfiles right now.  Mostly
  it is enough but some braindead daemon dont write pid files and some
  rc scripts are not writing them in some distros.  Well one could
  modify the rc script but it is being overwritten or changed when you
  install a new version of that package.  Well now the esoteric part.
  What about extending the "check process" syntax as followed:

    CHECK PROCESS name [PIDFILE file|PGREP options regex]

  If the matches are less then 1 this is the same as the process is
  stopped if it is more or equal to 1 it is the opposite.  Then
  extending it there could be a statement like,

    IF PGREPMATCHES [<|>|=] THEN "the ususal"

  This could prevent stuff like having two daemon of a kind running
  (simply match those running with -P 1).

  And for the options, we should go for the pgrep(1) syntax.  With the
  following being useful: [-flx] [-P ppid,...] [-g pgrp,...]  [-s
  sid,...] [-u euid,...] [-U uid,...] [-G gid,...]

  For [-v] (negate the match) I am not really sure.

  For the implementation there wont be much to do.  We can get the
  process names or command lines via proc (or any other dirty
  channel).  Regex are already included.  Well it only needs someone
  to code it. (:

* Has someone already tried the allow network patch I have posted some
  weeks ago. Well it's a security critical part, so I won't sync it
  unless it tested and read through by a couple of people.

So long folks... I gotta go on working,


Christian Hopp                                email: address@hidden
Institut für Elektrische Informationstechnik             fon: +49-5323-72-2113
TU Clausthal, Leibnizstr. 28, 38678 Clausthal-Zellerf.   fax: +49-5323-72-3197

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