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first take at monitrc.d/ here :)

From: Michael Shigorin
Subject: first take at monitrc.d/ here :)
Date: Tue, 17 Feb 2004 18:47:59 +0200
User-agent: Mutt/1.4.1i

Igor handed me fresh src.rpm (4.2-20040217) and here we are.

He's included /etc/monitrc.d/ in the package along with
/etc/monitrc; I've merged sample record in that with what's
running now and moved to separate files.

#0: probably "generic setup" is what belongs to /etc/monitrc :-)

Here's what's there now:

# grep -v ^# /etc/monitrc | uniq
set httpd port 2812 and   # Make monit start it's web-server
    use address localhost # and only accept connection from localhost
    allow localhost       # allow localhost to connect to the server and
    allow admin:monit     # user 'admin' with password 'monit'

include /etc/monitrc.d/*

set daemon 120
set logfile syslog
set mailserver localhost

(enabled builtin web server, verified builtin SMTP client config)

/etc/monitrc.d/{apache,apache-mod_ssl,mail-format} attached;
comments in no particular order:

- for "check file", generating script seems to be reasonable.
  Thinking on a proper one since the files are supposed to be
  administrator-editable, and I'm interested in a script that
  would be OK being called in %post of rpm package.

  It would need only to update md5/perms and nothing more.

- duplicating like "if failed perms... if failed uid/gid..." is
  the price for more fine-graininess, but is it feasible to do
  some "global policies" -- for "default" (or unnamed?)
  file/process -- which would initialize every service if not
  specifically overridden? (default group and alert target seem
  to belong there too)

BTW, if the above matters, then consider breaking

  if failed checksum and 
    expect the sum df48b1d3f93382a595c0b3f7b584bb5e then unmonitor

back into something like

  expect checksum df48b1d3f93382a595c0b3f7b584bb5e
  if failed checksum then unmonitor

so that the latter would be policializable (ffuh :)

PS: seems Igor landed some snippets here:

 ---- WBR, Michael Shigorin <address@hidden>
  ------ Linux.Kiev

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