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Re: stuff to work on

From: Martin Pala
Subject: Re: stuff to work on
Date: Thu, 05 Feb 2004 23:41:57 +0100
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Rory Toma wrote:
I'm looking for the things that I should be working on in monit, and
here's my list (no timetable yet)

1) /proc support for mac os X
2) Get current FreeBSD port working
3) add snmp support

anything else that anyone can think of?

Good objective :)

My priority list:

1.) SMTP update (message queue + state machine)
2.) "up" event (ability to notice the bidirectional state transtition)

I though about about both points, but i preffer the work on other project temporarily, so i don't plan to work on it some time.

To the message queue and smtp state machine design, i though about following implementation:

1.) refactor the structures:

 /** Defines a message */
 typedef struct mymail {
   char *to;         /**< Mail address for alert notification */
   char *from;       /**< The mail from address */
   char *subject;    /**< The mail subject */
   char **message;   /**< The mail message */
} *Mail_T;

/** Defines a mailinglist */
typedef struct mymaillist {
  Mail_T  entry;   /**< Message definition */
  unsigned events; /**< Events for which this
                    **  mail object should be
                    **  sent */
 /** For internal use */
 struct mymaillist *next;  /**< next message definition in chain */
} *MailList_T;

/** Defines a mail queue */
typedef struct mymailqueue {
  Mail_T entry;     /**< Message definition */
  time_t timestamp; /**< Message creation timestamp */
  int    counter;   /**< Delivery attempts counter */
  short  failover;  /**< Try to deliver via
                     **  backup server in
                     **  the same session */
  /** For internal use */
  struct mymailqueue *prev;    /**< previous message in chain */
  struct mymailqueue *next;    /**< next message in chain */
} *MailQueue_T;

The object Mail_T is common message part and it is inherited by MailList_T and MailQueue_T. The variable "char **message" allows to add more message parts and replaces present "char *message"+"char *opt_message" variables => i think it simplifies the code of message handlers.

The MailList_T serves for parser to store alert contacts here. It is oneway list of alert contacts.

The MailQueue_T contains bidirectional list of messages added to the queue.

2.) addition of the message to the queue:
Event handler (in alert.c) manages the alerts as usual except the message delivery part. In the case that the mail should be send, it adds the mail message to the end of the mail queue and sets the creation timestamp to the current time. MailQueue list is either backed by memory or mmaped file. The file could be better because it will be easier to save the queue on monit's exit. At the end of queue extension will the event handler call sendmail() or it can run optionaly in standalone thread.

3.) message delivery:
Sendmail will go through the queue. It can skip messages which are remaining in the queue based on their delivery counter - the attempts to deliver the message can exponentialy slow down (thus the delivery attempts will be driven each cycle on per-message basis). In the case that the timestamp is older than given limit (for example four days), the message will be discarted from the queue.

4.) state machine:
Each stage of the smtp session will be protected - in the case that the message delivery will fail for some reason with non-fatal error on the first smtp server, it will be tried in the same cycle on the next server (in the case that more servers are defined). In the case that fatal error is returned, this message ends this cycle. Monit will send in the one smtp session as much messages as possible. In the case that the message was successfully delivered, it is taken out of the list (free the message and relink "prev" and "next" pointers).

5.) on monit exit, monit will save the queue

Note: It could be possible to use common Mail_T pointers in MailList_T and MailQueue_T lists to save memory (each message needs to be stored only once). However on monit exit or configuration reload the list must be "deeply" copied to save the correct state.

What do you think about it?


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