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[Mldonkey-commits] Changes to mldonkey/src/networks/bittorrent/bTStats.m

From: mldonkey-commits
Subject: [Mldonkey-commits] Changes to mldonkey/src/networks/bittorrent/
Date: Mon, 07 Nov 2005 15:11:52 -0500

Index: mldonkey/src/networks/bittorrent/
diff -u mldonkey/src/networks/bittorrent/ 
--- mldonkey/src/networks/bittorrent/     Sun Oct 16 20:42:54 2005
+++ mldonkey/src/networks/bittorrent/ Mon Nov  7 20:11:42 2005
@@ -18,622 +18,90 @@
 open Int64ops
-open AnyEndian
-open LittleEndian
 open Printf2
 open Options
-open BasicSocket (* last_time *)
-open GuiTypes
 open CommonOptions
 open CommonTypes
 open CommonGlobals
 open CommonNetwork
-open CommonMessages
 open CommonInteractive
+open CommonStats
 open BTOptions
 open BTTypes
 open BTGlobals
 open BTComplexOptions
-let gbrand_to_string b =
-  match b with
-    Brand_unknown -> "unk"
-  | Brand_abc -> "abc"
-  | Brand_arctic -> "arc"
-  | Brand_azureus -> "azu"
-  | Brand_bitbuddy -> "bud"
-  | Brand_bitcomet -> "com"
-  | Brand_bitkitten -> "kit"
-  | Brand_bitlord -> "lor"
-  | Brand_bitsonwheels -> "bow"
-  | Brand_bitspirit -> "spi"
-  | Brand_bittornado -> "trn"
-  | Brand_bittorrentx -> "btx"
-  | Brand_btplus -> "plu"
-  | Brand_btslave -> "sla"
-  | Brand_btugaxp -> "uga"
-  | Brand_burst -> "brs"
-  | Brand_ctorrent -> "cto"
-  | Brand_deadmanwalking -> "dmw"
-  | Brand_exeem -> "exm"
-  | Brand_experimental -> "exp"
-  | Brand_g3torrent -> "g3t"
-  | Brand_libtorrent -> "lib"
-  | Brand_mainline -> "mai"
-  | Brand_martiniman -> "mar"
-  | Brand_mldonkey -> "mld"
-  | Brand_moonlighttorrent -> "mlt"
-  | Brand_plus -> "plu"
-  | Brand_shadow -> "sdo"
-  | Brand_sharenet -> "shn"
-  | Brand_shareaza -> "shz"
-  | Brand_simplebt -> "sbt"
-  | Brand_snark -> "snk"
-  | Brand_swarmscope -> "sws"
-  | Brand_swarmy -> "swy"
-  | Brand_swiftbit -> "swb"
-  | Brand_teeweety -> "twt"
-  | Brand_torrentdotnet -> "t.n"
-  | Brand_torrentstorm -> "sto"
-  | Brand_turbobt -> "tbt"
-  | Brand_upnp -> "upn"
-  | Brand_xantorrent -> "xat"
-  | Brand_xbt -> "xbt"
-  | Brand_ziptorrent -> "zit"
-let stats_all = dummy_stats
-let stats_by_brand = Array.init brand_count (fun _ ->
-  { dummy_stats with brand_seen = 0 }
+let stats_array = Array.init brand_count (fun _ ->
+    { dummy_stats with brand_seen = 0 }
 let count_seen c =
-  stats_all.brand_seen <- stats_all.brand_seen + 1;
-  (match c.client_brand with
-    | b ->
-      stats_by_brand.(brand_to_int b).brand_seen <-
-        stats_by_brand.(brand_to_int b).brand_seen + 1;
-      !!gstats_by_brand.(brand_to_int b).brand_seen <-
-        !!gstats_by_brand.(brand_to_int b).brand_seen + 1)
+  let i = brand_to_int c.client_brand in
+  stats_array.(i).brand_seen <- stats_array.(i).brand_seen + 1;
+  !!gstats_array.(i).brand_seen <- !!gstats_array.(i).brand_seen + 1
 let count_banned c =
-  stats_all.brand_banned <- stats_all.brand_banned + 1;
-  (match c.client_brand with
-    | b ->
-      stats_by_brand.(brand_to_int b).brand_banned <-
-        stats_by_brand.(brand_to_int b).brand_banned + 1;
-      !!gstats_by_brand.(brand_to_int b).brand_banned <-
-        !!gstats_by_brand.(brand_to_int b).brand_banned + 1)
+  let i = brand_to_int c.client_brand in
+  stats_array.(i).brand_banned <- stats_array.(i).brand_banned + 1;
+  !!gstats_array.(i).brand_banned <- !!gstats_array.(i).brand_banned + 1
 let count_filerequest c =
-  stats_all.brand_filerequest <- stats_all.brand_filerequest + 1;
-  (match c.client_brand with
-    | b ->
-      stats_by_brand.(brand_to_int b).brand_filerequest <-
-        stats_by_brand.(brand_to_int b).brand_filerequest + 1;
-      !!gstats_by_brand.(brand_to_int b).brand_filerequest <-
-       !!gstats_by_brand.(brand_to_int b).brand_filerequest + 1)
+  let i = brand_to_int c.client_brand in
+  stats_array.(i).brand_filerequest <- stats_array.(i).brand_filerequest + 1;
+  !!gstats_array.(i).brand_filerequest <- !!gstats_array.(i).brand_filerequest 
+ 1 
+let count_download c v =
+  let i = brand_to_int c.client_brand in
+  stats_array.(i).brand_download <- stats_array.(i).brand_download ++ v;
+  !!gstats_array.(i).brand_download <- !!gstats_array.(i).brand_download ++ v;
-let count_download c f v =
-  download_counter := !download_counter ++ v;
   c.client_downloaded <- c.client_downloaded ++ v;
-  stats_all.brand_download <- stats_all.brand_download ++ v;
   bt_download_counter := !bt_download_counter ++ v;
-  (match c.client_brand with
-    | b ->
-      stats_by_brand.(brand_to_int b).brand_download <-
-        stats_by_brand.(brand_to_int b).brand_download ++ v;
-      !!gstats_by_brand.(brand_to_int b).brand_download <-
-        !!gstats_by_brand.(brand_to_int b).brand_download ++ v)
+  global_count_download network v
+let count_upload c v =
+  let i = brand_to_int c.client_brand in
+  stats_array.(i).brand_upload <- stats_array.(i).brand_upload ++ v;
+  !!gstats_array.(i).brand_upload <- !!gstats_array.(i).brand_upload ++ v;
-let count_upload c f v =
-  upload_counter := !upload_counter ++ v;
   c.client_uploaded <- c.client_uploaded ++ v;
-  stats_all.brand_upload <- stats_all.brand_upload ++ v;
   bt_upload_counter := !bt_upload_counter ++ v;
-  (match c.client_brand with
-    | b ->
-      stats_by_brand.(brand_to_int b).brand_upload <-
-        stats_by_brand.(brand_to_int b).brand_upload ++ v;
-      !!gstats_by_brand.(brand_to_int b).brand_upload <-
-        !!gstats_by_brand.(brand_to_int b).brand_upload ++ v)
-let percent_of_ints x y =
-  if y <> 0 then 100. *. (float_of_int x /. float_of_int y)
-  else 0.
-let percent_of_int64s x y =
-  if y <> then 100. *. (Int64.to_float x /. Int64.to_float y)
-  else 0.
-let print_stats buf =
-  let one_minute = 60 in
-  let one_hour = 3600 in
-  let one_day = 86400 in
-  let uptime = last_time () - start_time in
-  let days = uptime / one_day in
-  let rem = uptime - days * one_day in
-  let hours = rem / one_hour in
-  let rem = rem - hours * one_hour in
-  let mins = rem / one_minute in
-    Printf.bprintf buf "Uptime: %d days, %02dh:%02dm (= %d seconds)\n"
-        days hours mins uptime;
-  if stats_all.brand_seen = 0 then
-    Printf.bprintf buf "You haven't connected to any client yet\n"
-  else begin
-    Printf.bprintf buf "\n     Successful Connections: %18d\n" 
-    for i=0 to brand_count-1 do
-      Printf.bprintf buf "%27s: %18d (%5.1f %%)\n"
-       (brand_to_string (brand_of_int i))
-       stats_by_brand.(i).brand_seen
-       (percent_of_ints stats_by_brand.(i).brand_seen stats_all.brand_seen)
-    done
-  end;
-  if stats_all.brand_filerequest = 0 then
-    Printf.bprintf buf "You weren't asked for any file yet\n"
-  else begin
-    Printf.bprintf buf "\nTotal filerequests received: %18d\n" 
-    for i=0 to brand_count-1 do
-      Printf.bprintf buf "%27s: %18d (%5.1f %%)\n"
-       (brand_to_string (brand_of_int i))
-       stats_by_brand.(i).brand_filerequest
-       (percent_of_ints stats_by_brand.(i).brand_filerequest 
-    done
-  end;
-  if stats_all.brand_download = then
-    Printf.bprintf buf "You didn't download anything yet\n"
-  else begin
-      Printf.bprintf buf "\n            Total downloads: %18s (%5.1f KB/s)\n"
-      (Int64.to_string stats_all.brand_download)
-      ((Int64.to_float stats_all.brand_download) /. (float_of_int uptime) /. 
-    for i=0 to brand_count-1 do
-      Printf.bprintf buf "%27s: %18s (%5.1f %%)\n"
-        (brand_to_string (brand_of_int i))
-        (Int64.to_string stats_by_brand.(i).brand_download)
-        (percent_of_int64s stats_by_brand.(i).brand_download 
-    done
-  end;
-  if stats_all.brand_upload = then
-    Printf.bprintf buf "You didn't upload anything yet\n"
-  else begin
-      Printf.bprintf buf "\n              Total uploads: %18s (%5.1f KB/s)\n"
-      (Int64.to_string stats_all.brand_upload)
-      ((Int64.to_float stats_all.brand_upload) /. (float_of_int uptime) /. 
-    for i=0 to brand_count-1 do
-      Printf.bprintf buf "%27s: %18s (%5.1f %%)\n"
-        (brand_to_string (brand_of_int i))
-        (Int64.to_string stats_by_brand.(i).brand_upload)
-        (percent_of_int64s stats_by_brand.(i).brand_upload 
-    done
-  end;
-  if stats_all.brand_banned = 0 then
-    Printf.bprintf buf "You didn't ban any client yet\n"
-  else begin
-      Printf.bprintf buf "\n                 Total bans: %18d\n" 
-    for i=0 to brand_count-1 do
-      Printf.bprintf buf "%27s: %18d (%5.1f %%)\n"
-        (brand_to_string (brand_of_int i))
-        stats_by_brand.(i).brand_banned
-        (percent_of_ints stats_by_brand.(i).brand_banned 
-    done
-  end
-let stats_html_header buf =
-  html_mods_table_header buf "csTable" "cs" [
-   ( "0", "srh", "BT Client brand", "Brand" );
-   ( "0", "srh", "Separator", ":" );
-   ( "1", "srh ar", "Successful connections", "Seen" );
-   ( "1", "srh", "Successful connections percent", "%" );
-   ( "0", "srh", "Separator", "|" );
-   ( "1", "srh ar", "File requests received", "Reqs" );
-   ( "1", "srh", "File requests received percent", "%" );
-   ( "0", "srh", "Separator", "|" );
-   ( "1", "srh ar", "Total bans", "B" );
-   ( "1", "srh", "Total bans percent", "%" );
-   ( "0", "srh", "Separator", "|" );
-   ( "1", "srh ar", "Total uploads", "UL" );
-   ( "1", "srh", "Total uploads percent", "%" );
-   ( "1", "srh ar", "Total uploads average KB/s", "KB/s" );
-   ( "0", "srh", "Separator", "|" );
-   ( "1", "srh ar", "Total downloads", "DL" );
-   ( "1", "srh", "Total downloads percent", "%" );
-   ( "1", "srh ar", "Total downloads average KB/s", "KB/s" );
-   ( "0", "srh", "Separator", "|" );
-   ( "1", "srh", "Total uploads:downloads ratio", "U:DL" ) ]
-let new_print_stats buf o =
-  let one_minute = 60 in
-  let one_hour = 3600 in
-  let one_day = 86400 in
-  let uptime = last_time () - start_time in
-  let days = uptime / one_day in
-  let rem = maxi 1 (uptime - days * one_day) in
-  let hours = rem / one_hour in
-  let rem = rem - hours * one_hour in
-  let mins = rem / one_minute in
-  let sstats_all =
-    let stat = {
-        brand_seen = 0;
-        brand_banned = 0;
-        brand_filerequest = 0;
-        brand_download =;
-        brand_upload =
-      }
-    in stat in
-  for i=0 to brand_count-1 do
-      sstats_all.brand_seen <- sstats_all.brand_seen + 
-      sstats_all.brand_filerequest <- sstats_all.brand_filerequest + 
-      sstats_all.brand_download <- sstats_all.brand_download ++ 
stats_by_brand.(i).brand_download ;
-      sstats_all.brand_upload <- sstats_all.brand_upload ++ 
-      sstats_all.brand_banned <- sstats_all.brand_banned + 
-  done;
-  let gstats_all =
-    let stat = {
-        brand_seen = 0;
-        brand_banned = 0;
-        brand_filerequest = 0;
-        brand_download =;
-        brand_upload =
-      }
-    in stat in
-  for i=0 to brand_count-1 do
-    gstats_all.brand_seen <- gstats_all.brand_seen + 
-    gstats_all.brand_filerequest <- gstats_all.brand_filerequest + 
-    gstats_all.brand_download <- gstats_all.brand_download ++ 
!!gstats_by_brand.(i).brand_download ;
-    gstats_all.brand_upload <- gstats_all.brand_upload ++ 
-    gstats_all.brand_banned <- gstats_all.brand_banned + 
-  done;
-  if use_html_mods o then
-    begin
-      Buffer.add_string buf "\\<div class=\\\"cs\\\"\\>\n";
-      html_mods_table_one_row buf "csTable" "cs" [
-        ("", "srh",
-          Printf.sprintf "BT - Session Uptime: %d days, %02dh:%02dm (= %d 
-            days hours mins uptime); ];
-      Buffer.add_string buf "\\</div\\>\n";
-      stats_html_header buf;
-      let counter = ref 0 in
-      let showTotal = ref false in
-      for i=0 to brand_count do
-        if i=brand_count then showTotal := true;
-        if !showTotal || ( stats_by_brand.(i).brand_seen > 0 ) then begin
-          incr counter;
-          Printf.bprintf buf "\\<tr class=\\\"%s\\\"\\>" (if (!counter mod 2 
== 0) then "dl-1" else "dl-2");
-          Printf.bprintf buf "
-\\<td class=\\\"sr\\\"\\>%s\\</td\\>
-\\<td class=\\\"sr \\\"\\>:\\</td\\>
-\\<td class=\\\"sr ar\\\"\\>%d\\</td\\>
-\\<td class=\\\"srp \\\"\\>(%.f%%)\\</td\\>
-\\<td class=\\\"sr \\\"\\>|\\</td\\>
-\\<td class=\\\"sr ar\\\"\\>%d\\</td\\>
-\\<td class=\\\"srp \\\"\\>(%.f%%)\\</td\\>
-\\<td class=\\\"sr \\\"\\>|\\</td\\>
-\\<td class=\\\"sr ar\\\"\\>%d\\</td\\>
-\\<td class=\\\"srp\\\"\\>(%.0f%%)\\</td\\>
-\\<td class=\\\"sr \\\"\\>|\\</td\\>
-\\<td class=\\\"sr ar\\\"\\>%s\\</td\\>
-\\<td class=\\\"srp \\\"\\>(%.0f%%)\\</td\\>
-\\<td class=\\\"sr ar\\\"\\>%.1f\\</td\\>
-\\<td class=\\\"sr \\\"\\>|\\</td\\>
-\\<td class=\\\"sr ar\\\"\\>%s\\</td\\>
-\\<td class=\\\"srp \\\"\\>(%.0f%%)\\</td\\>
-\\<td class=\\\"sr ar \\\"\\>%.1f\\</td\\>
-\\<td class=\\\"sr \\\"\\>|\\</td\\>
-\\<td class=\\\"sr \\\"\\>1:%.2f\\</td\\>
-            (if !showTotal then "Total" else (brand_to_string (brand_of_int 
-            (if !showTotal then sstats_all.brand_seen else
-              stats_by_brand.(i).brand_seen)
-            (if !showTotal then 100.0 else (percent_of_ints
-            stats_by_brand.(i).brand_seen stats_all.brand_seen))
-            (if !showTotal then sstats_all.brand_filerequest else 
-            (if !showTotal then 100.0 else (percent_of_ints 
stats_by_brand.(i).brand_filerequest stats_all.brand_filerequest))
-            (if !showTotal then sstats_all.brand_banned else
-              stats_by_brand.(i).brand_banned)
-            (max 0.0 (if !showTotal then (percent_of_ints 
sstats_all.brand_banned sstats_all.brand_seen)
-             else (percent_of_ints stats_by_brand.(i).brand_banned 
-            (size_of_int64 (if !showTotal then sstats_all.brand_upload else
-              stats_by_brand.(i).brand_upload))
-            (max 0.0 (if !showTotal then 100.0 else (percent_of_int64s
-            stats_by_brand.(i).brand_upload stats_all.brand_upload)))
-            (if !showTotal then ((Int64.to_float sstats_all.brand_upload) /. 
(float_of_int uptime) /. 1024.0)
-            else ((Int64.to_float stats_by_brand.(i).brand_upload) /.  
(float_of_int uptime) /. 1024.0))
-            (size_of_int64 (if !showTotal then sstats_all.brand_download else
-              stats_by_brand.(i).brand_download))
-            (max 0.0 (if !showTotal then 100.0 else (percent_of_int64s
-            stats_by_brand.(i).brand_download stats_all.brand_download)))
-            (if !showTotal then ((Int64.to_float sstats_all.brand_download) /. 
(float_of_int uptime) /. 1024.0)
-            else ((Int64.to_float stats_by_brand.(i).brand_download) /.  
(float_of_int uptime) /. 1024.0))
-            (if !showTotal then
-             (if sstats_all.brand_upload = then 0.0 else
-               ( (Int64.to_float sstats_all.brand_download) /.  
(Int64.to_float sstats_all.brand_upload) ))
-            else
-             (if stats_by_brand.(i).brand_upload = then 0.0 else
-               ( (Int64.to_float stats_by_brand.(i).brand_download) /.
-             (Int64.to_float stats_by_brand.(i).brand_upload) )));
-        end
-      done;
-      Buffer.add_string buf "\\</table\\>\\</div\\>\n";
+  global_count_upload network v
+let print_stats o style = 
+  let buf = o.conn_buf in
-      let gdays = (guptime () + uptime) / one_day in
-      let grem = maxi 1 ((guptime () + uptime) - gdays * one_day) in
+  let u1 = BasicSocket.last_time () - BasicSocket.start_time in
+  let u2 = (guptime() + u1) in
-      let ghours = grem / one_hour in
-      let grem = grem - ghours * one_hour in
-      let gmins = grem / one_minute in
-      Buffer.add_string buf "\\<div class=\\\"cs\\\"\\>\n";
-      html_mods_table_one_row buf "csTable" "cs" [
-        ("", "srh",
-          Printf.sprintf "BT - Total Uptime: %d days, %02dh:%02dm (= %d 
-            gdays ghours gmins (guptime() + uptime)); ];
-      Buffer.add_string buf "\\</div\\>\n";
-      stats_html_header buf;
-      showTotal := false;
-      for i=0 to brand_count do
-       if i=brand_count then showTotal := true;
-       if !showTotal || ( !!gstats_by_brand.(i).brand_seen > 0 ) then begin
-          incr counter;
-          Printf.bprintf buf "\\<tr class=\\\"%s\\\"\\>" (if (!counter mod 2 
== 0) then "dl-1" else "dl-2");
-          Printf.bprintf buf "
-\\<td class=\\\"sr\\\"\\>%s\\</td\\>
-\\<td class=\\\"sr \\\"\\>:\\</td\\>
-\\<td class=\\\"sr ar\\\"\\>%d\\</td\\>
-\\<td class=\\\"srp \\\"\\>(%.f%%)\\</td\\>
-\\<td class=\\\"sr \\\"\\>|\\</td\\>
-\\<td class=\\\"sr ar\\\"\\>%d\\</td\\>
-\\<td class=\\\"srp \\\"\\>(%.f%%)\\</td\\>
-\\<td class=\\\"sr \\\"\\>|\\</td\\>
-\\<td class=\\\"sr ar\\\"\\>%d\\</td\\>
-\\<td class=\\\"srp\\\"\\>(%.0f%%)\\</td\\>
-\\<td class=\\\"sr \\\"\\>|\\</td\\>
-\\<td class=\\\"sr ar\\\"\\>%s\\</td\\>
-\\<td class=\\\"srp \\\"\\>(%.0f%%)\\</td\\>
-\\<td class=\\\"sr ar\\\"\\>%.1f\\</td\\>
-\\<td class=\\\"sr \\\"\\>|\\</td\\>
-\\<td class=\\\"sr ar\\\"\\>%s\\</td\\>
-\\<td class=\\\"srp \\\"\\>(%.0f%%)\\</td\\>
-\\<td class=\\\"sr ar \\\"\\>%.1f\\</td\\>
-\\<td class=\\\"sr \\\"\\>|\\</td\\>
-\\<td class=\\\"sr \\\"\\>1:%.2f\\</td\\>
-          (if !showTotal then "Total" else (brand_to_string (brand_of_int i)) )
-          (if !showTotal then gstats_all.brand_seen else 
-          (if !showTotal then 100. else (percent_of_ints 
(!!gstats_by_brand.(i).brand_seen) gstats_all.brand_seen))
-          (if !showTotal then gstats_all.brand_filerequest else 
-          (if !showTotal then 100. else (percent_of_ints 
(!!gstats_by_brand.(i).brand_filerequest) gstats_all.brand_filerequest))
-          (if !showTotal then gstats_all.brand_banned else 
-          (max 0.0 (if !showTotal then (percent_of_ints gstats_all.brand_banned
-          gstats_all.brand_seen) else (percent_of_ints 
(!!gstats_by_brand.(i).brand_banned) gstats_all.brand_banned)))
-          (size_of_int64 (if !showTotal then gstats_all.brand_upload else 
-          (if !showTotal then 100. else (max 0.0 (percent_of_int64s
-          (!!gstats_by_brand.(i).brand_upload) gstats_all.brand_upload)))
-          (if !showTotal then ((Int64.to_float gstats_all.brand_upload) /. 
(float_of_int (guptime() + uptime)) /. 1024.0)
-          else ((Int64.to_float (!!gstats_by_brand.(i).brand_upload)) /.  
(float_of_int (guptime() + uptime)) /. 1024.0))
-          (size_of_int64 (if !showTotal then gstats_all.brand_download else 
-          (if !showTotal then 100. else (max 0.0 (percent_of_int64s
-          (!!gstats_by_brand.(i).brand_download) gstats_all.brand_download)))
-          (if !showTotal then ((Int64.to_float gstats_all.brand_download) /. 
(float_of_int (guptime() + uptime)) /. 1024.0)
-          else ((Int64.to_float (!!gstats_by_brand.(i).brand_download)) /.  
(float_of_int (guptime() + uptime)) /. 1024.0))
-         (if !showTotal then (if gstats_all.brand_upload = then 0.0 
-           ((Int64.to_float gstats_all.brand_download) /.  (Int64.to_float 
gstats_all.brand_upload) )) else
-          (if !!gstats_by_brand.(i).brand_upload = then 0.0 else
-            ( (Int64.to_float !!gstats_by_brand.(i).brand_download) /.
-            (Int64.to_float !!gstats_by_brand.(i).brand_upload) )))
+  let t1 = build_title "BitTorrent" "Session" u1 in
+  let t2 = build_title "BitTorrent" "Total" u2 in
+  match style with
+  | Old -> print_stats_old buf stats_array brand_list t1 u1
+  | _ ->
+        if use_html_mods o then begin
+          print_stats_html_mods buf stats_array brand_list t1 u1;
+          print_stats_html_mods buf !!gstats_array brand_list t2 u2
+        end else begin
+          print_stats_ascii buf stats_array brand_list t1 u1;
+          print_stats_ascii buf !!gstats_array brand_list t2 u2
-      done;
-      Buffer.add_string buf "\\</table\\>\\</div\\>\n";
-    end
-  else
-    begin
-      Printf.bprintf buf "BT - Session Uptime: %d days, %02dh:%02dm (= %d 
-        days hours mins uptime;
-      Printf.bprintf buf "Client Brand|    seen      |     Downloads      |    
  Uploads       |   Banned   |  Requests\n";
-      Printf.bprintf buf 
-      for i=0 to brand_count-1 do
-        if stats_by_brand.(i).brand_seen > 0 then (* dont print server stats *)
-          let brandstr = brand_to_string (brand_of_int i) in
-          Printf.bprintf buf "%-12s|%9d %3.f%%|%9.1f %5.1f %3.0f%%|%9.1f %5.1f 
%3.0f%%|%7d %3.0f%%|%9d %3.0f%%\n"
-            (brandstr)
-            stats_by_brand.(i).brand_seen
-              (percent_of_ints stats_by_brand.(i).brand_seen 
-            ((Int64.to_float stats_by_brand.(i).brand_download) /. 1024.0 /. 
-              ((Int64.to_float stats_by_brand.(i).brand_download) /. 
(float_of_int uptime) /. 1024.0)
-              (percent_of_int64s stats_by_brand.(i).brand_download 
-            ((Int64.to_float stats_by_brand.(i).brand_upload) /. 1024.0 /. 
-              ((Int64.to_float stats_by_brand.(i).brand_upload) /. 
(float_of_int uptime) /. 1024.0)
-              (percent_of_int64s stats_by_brand.(i).brand_upload 
-            stats_by_brand.(i).brand_banned
-              (percent_of_ints stats_by_brand.(i).brand_banned 
-            stats_by_brand.(i).brand_filerequest
-              (percent_of_ints stats_by_brand.(i).brand_filerequest 
-      done;
-      Printf.bprintf buf 
-      Printf.bprintf buf "%-12s|%9d     |%9.1f %5.1f     |%9.1f %5.1f     |%7d 
-        "Total"
-        sstats_all.brand_seen
-        ((Int64.to_float sstats_all.brand_download) /. 1024.0 /. 1024.0)
-          ((Int64.to_float sstats_all.brand_download) /. (float_of_int uptime) 
/. 1024.0)
-        ((Int64.to_float sstats_all.brand_upload) /. 1024.0 /. 1024.0)
-          ((Int64.to_float sstats_all.brand_upload) /. (float_of_int uptime) 
/. 1024.0)
-        sstats_all.brand_banned
-        sstats_all.brand_filerequest;
-      let gdays = (guptime () + uptime) / one_day in
-      let grem = maxi 1 ((guptime () + uptime) - gdays * one_day) in
-      let ghours = grem / one_hour in
-      let grem = grem - ghours * one_hour in
-      let gmins = grem / one_minute in
-      Printf.bprintf buf "\nBT - Total Uptime: %d days, %02dh:%02dm (= %d 
-        gdays ghours gmins (guptime() + uptime);
-      Printf.bprintf buf "Client Brand|    seen      |     Downloads      |    
  Uploads       |   Banned   |  Requests\n";
-      Printf.bprintf buf 
-      for i=0 to brand_count-1 do
-        if !!gstats_by_brand.(i).brand_seen > 0 then (* dont print server 
stats *)
-          let brandstr = brand_to_string (brand_of_int i) in
-          Printf.bprintf buf "%-12s|%9d %3.f%%|%9.1f %5.1f %3.0f%%|%9.1f %5.1f 
%3.0f%%|%7d %3.0f%%|%9d %3.0f%%\n"
-            (brandstr)
-            !!gstats_by_brand.(i).brand_seen
-              (percent_of_ints !!gstats_by_brand.(i).brand_seen 
-            ((Int64.to_float !!gstats_by_brand.(i).brand_download) /. 1024.0 
/. 1024.0)
-              ((Int64.to_float !!gstats_by_brand.(i).brand_download) /. 
(float_of_int (guptime() + uptime)) /. 1024.0)
-              (percent_of_int64s !!gstats_by_brand.(i).brand_download 
-            ((Int64.to_float !!gstats_by_brand.(i).brand_upload) /. 1024.0 /. 
-              ((Int64.to_float !!gstats_by_brand.(i).brand_upload) /. 
(float_of_int (guptime() + uptime)) /. 1024.0)
-              (percent_of_int64s !!gstats_by_brand.(i).brand_upload 
-            !!gstats_by_brand.(i).brand_banned
-              (percent_of_ints !!gstats_by_brand.(i).brand_banned 
-            !!gstats_by_brand.(i).brand_filerequest
-              (percent_of_ints !!gstats_by_brand.(i).brand_filerequest 
-      done;
-      Printf.bprintf buf 
-      Printf.bprintf buf "%-12s|%9d     |%9.1f %5.1f     |%9.1f %5.1f     |%7d 
-      "Total"
-      gstats_all.brand_seen
-      ((Int64.to_float gstats_all.brand_download) /. 1024.0 /. 1024.0)
-        ((Int64.to_float gstats_all.brand_download) /. (float_of_int 
(guptime() + uptime)) /. 1024.0)
-      ((Int64.to_float gstats_all.brand_upload) /. 1024.0 /. 1024.0)
-        ((Int64.to_float gstats_all.brand_upload) /. (float_of_int (guptime() 
+ uptime)) /. 1024.0)
-      gstats_all.brand_banned
-      gstats_all.brand_filerequest;
-    end
-let append_out name =
-  open_out_gen [Open_wronly; Open_creat; Open_append; Open_text] 0o666 name
-let save_download_history file =
-  let buf = Buffer.create 100 in
-(* Some opcode for edonkey downloads *)
-  buf_int8 buf 153;         (* opcode = stats *)
-  buf_md4 buf !!client_md4; (* client md4, and NOT IP *)
-  let time = Unix.time () in
-  let time = Unix.localtime time in
-  (* date on 5 bytes *)
-  buf_int8 buf time.Unix.tm_hour;
-  buf_int8 buf time.Unix.tm_mday;
-  buf_int8 buf time.Unix.tm_mon;
-  buf_int16 buf time.Unix.tm_year;
-(* ANONYMISED Informations on the downloads: *)
-(*   Send the SHA1 hash of the MD4+size, so that they cannot be recovered,
-          but they can be used to compare downloads. *)
-  let m = Printf.sprintf "%s%Ld"
-      (Md4.Md4.direct_to_string file.file_md4) (file_size file) in
-  let m = Md4.Sha1.string m in (* compute SHA1 of the string *)
-(* SENT: 20 bytes *)
-  Buffer.add_string buf (Md4.Sha1.direct_to_string m);
-(* Send the magnitude of the size (power of 10) *)
-  let size = ref (file_size file) in
-  let m = ref 0 in
-  while !size <> do
-    incr m;
-    size := !size // 10L
-  done;
-(* SENT: 1 byte *)
-  buf_int8 buf !m;
-  let current = ref [] in
-  Intmap.iter (fun _ c ->
-      let location =
-        match c.client_kind with
-          Indirect_location (name, md4) ->
-            Printf.sprintf "%s%s" name
-              (Md4.Md4.direct_to_string md4)
-        | Known_location (ip,port) ->
-            Printf.sprintf "%s%d"
-              (Ip.to_string ip) port
-      in
-(* ANONYMISATION of the source: we compute the Sha1 digest of the source,
-  which cannot be recovered from this information *)
-      let location = Md4.Sha1.string location in (* compute SHA1 of the string 
-      current := location :: !current;
-  ) file.file_locations;
-  buf_list (fun buf s ->
-      Buffer.add_string buf (Md4.Sha1.direct_to_string s)
-  ) buf !current;
-  let file_history = "downloads.stats" in
-  let oc = append_out file_history in
-  output_string oc (Buffer.contents buf);
-  close_out oc
 let _ =
-  network.op_network_display_stats <- (fun buf o -> new_print_stats buf o);
+  network.op_network_display_stats <- (fun buf o -> print_stats o New);
     "client_stats_bt", "Network/Bittorrent",Arg_none (fun o ->
-        let buf = o.conn_buf in
-        print_stats buf;
+        print_stats o Old;
     ), ":\t\t\t\tshow breakdown of download/upload by clients brand";
     "csbt", "Network/Bittorrent",Arg_none (fun o ->
-        let buf = o.conn_buf in
-        new_print_stats buf o;
+        print_stats o New;
     ), ":\t\t\t\t\tshow table of download/upload by BT clients brand";

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