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Re: [Mingw-cross-env-list] PATCH: support for fftw id3lib libsamplerate

From: David García Garzón
Subject: Re: [Mingw-cross-env-list] PATCH: support for fftw id3lib libsamplerate liblo portaudio aubio
Date: Sun, 24 Jan 2010 00:45:13 +0100
User-agent: KMail/1.13.0 (Linux/2.6.32-10-generic; KDE/4.3.90; i686; ; )

A Saturday 23 January 2010 23:01:36, Volker Grabsch va escriure:
> David García Garzón <address@hidden> schrieb:
> > The attached patch includes support for:
> > - aubio
> > - fftw
> > - id3lib
> > - libsamplerate
> > - liblo
> > - portaudio
> Thanks for your contribution. I'd like to include all of them
> into mingw-cross-env.
> However, I noticed a minor issue: Within the *.mk files, you're
> using a mix of tabs and spaces for indentation. Would you mind
> correcting the scripts to use just spaces, consequently?

Yep, sorry. Corrected patch.

> (Of course, this doesn't apply to the *.patch files. Patches
>  should be written in the coding style of the surrounding code
>  they modify.)

Indeed the original code (portaudio configure.in) had mixed tabs and spaces. I 
did my best. ¬¬

> BTW, I noticed that you did some portability fixes on some package's
> configure.in/ac scripts. Did you present these correction to upstream,
> i.e. to the respective projects?
> I think it is important to try to remove such patches in the long
> run, because otherwise we'll have to update them for every new
> version of the package. If your patches contain changes which are
> inacceptable for upstream, please consider rewriting them as $(SED)
> actions which are usually more portable among future versions of the
> package.
> In other words, modifications should be strictly separated into
>     a) compatibility fixes to be accepted by upstream
>         (patches)
>     b) hacks to be applied to many future versions
>         (usually $(SED) actions, sometimes also patches)

The patches are known issues. When we did the first cross builds[1] we already 
reported most of them and most of them got integrated upstream. Note that the 
two remaining patches affect two very old releases which had no release since 
2007 (portaudio) and 2003 (id3lib).

Portaudio has addressed most of the issues on the svn. The svn version works 
with SCons so the patches, which mostly modify autoconf scripts, can be 
dropped on the next releases.

Id3lib development has been stalled for many years. Patched issues are 
reported[2], and some of them fixed[3][4] recently in the cvs. There is a 
missing patch in the globals.h file which very specific for crosscompiling. I 
would send the patch but i consider it a temporary hack for a wider problem in 
the build system regarding static and dynamic libraries i cannot address right 

[1] http://clam-project.org/wiki/Devel/Windows_MinGW_cross_compile
[3] http://id3lib.cvs.sourceforge.net/viewvc/id3lib/id3lib-
[4] http://id3lib.cvs.sourceforge.net/viewvc/id3lib/id3lib-


David García Garzón
(Work) david dot garcia at upf anotherdot edu

Attachment: audiolibraries-tabscorrected.patch
Description: Text Data

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