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Re: [Marvin-devel] [MARVIN] gpl licence and Epita

From: Olivier Ricordeau
Subject: Re: [Marvin-devel] [MARVIN] gpl licence and Epita
Date: Fri, 25 Apr 2003 17:14:15 +0200
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address@hidden wrote:
| Hi Guys,
| I seen Mr. Courtois yesterday and I talk with him about our project
| ,the gpl licence and the paper that we have signed up (remember, Epita has
| got rights on all projects that are developped at school).
| He is agree to sign a paper where Epita loses his rights on our
| project.

Great news! :)

| So, someone must go to see him to obtain this paper. I can do this if
| you have no objections.

No objection on my part. The main point is not "who is going to get him
sign the paper" (I think you are the best person since J. Courtois
already knows you) , but "how to make sure we have a good contract". I
se 3 possibities:
- -> We can contact the right teacher and ask her for help.
- -> A few friends of mine are right students, and I'm quite sure one of
them can write a contract for us (but I'd like to avoid to ask my
friends to work for me if it's possible).
- -> We can get the paper we signed when we entered in Epita, and just
make a contract containing the contrary.

What do you think?

| see,
| address@hidden

- --
- -= *Olivier RICORDEAU* =-
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