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Re: lynx-dev dev.15 patch 2

From: Leonid Pauzner
Subject: Re: lynx-dev dev.15 patch 2
Date: Sat, 23 Nov 1996 07:07:13 +0300 (MSK)

25-Nov-99 10:48 Klaus Weide wrote:
> * Reset the edit_mode flag (indication of Dired mode) in various places,
>   so the flag doesn't stat TRUE after a new page has been loaded.  For
>   example, invoking the forms based 'O'ptions page from a Dired directory
>   view would leave the Dired key bindings enabled within the Options page.

IMHO a better approach: always set edit_mode to FALSE in getfile(),
and change to edit_mode = TRUE in print_local_dir() [hmm, not sure if
VMS using that code or not...] and (probably) in mainllop when 'f' key
(or equivalent) is pressed.

Does your changes fix reloading of directory listing when
switching show_dot_files from forms-based options menu?

> * For LYNXMESSAGES: page of recent statusline messages, removed setting of
>   the LYforce_no_cache flag in getfile().  Set the flag in LYMainLoop.c
>   instead, but only for following a link.  This makes the page act more like
>   a normal no-cache document, for example returning to it via PREV_DOC does
>   not cause an automatic update.  The special handling in LYMainLoop.c is
>   necessary because the link to LYNXMESSAGES: appears on the History Page,
>   and following a link from the History Page (as well as some other generated
>   user interface pages) normally implies overriding of no-cache behavior which
>   we don't want in this case.
Looks good.

> * In LYNXMESSAGES: page, number recent statusline messages in historic order,
>   starting with 1 for the oldest.  This should make it more obvious that they
>   are listed latest-first.  Add "(No messages yet)" text if there are no
This probably a rare case, is there an example?

>   messages.  Removed generation of invalid <pre>.
> * Use a temporary file instead of the normal .lynxrc file for saving and
>   restoring current settings in reload_read_cfg().  This avoids unexpected
>   side effects of lynx.cfg reloading (LYNXCFG://reload action), i.e.

>   silent modification or first-time generation of .lynxrc contents.
>   In principle this should make reloading of lynx.cfg usable for accounts
>   that don't allow saving of personal settings (i.e. option_save restriction,
>   implied by -anonymous) if other restrictions don't forbid it; but
>   currently the option_save restriction is still obeyed for saving to
>   the temporary file (so that reloading of lynx.cfg is prevented).

>   setting if pages need to be regenerated, and clean up the memory for
>   holding the file URLs in free_lynx_cfg().  Recover if the tempfile has
>   unexpectedly disappeared, by regenerating it.  Also regenerate tempfile
>   if NOCACHE key ('x') is used.  Added extra checks before doing automatic
>   uncaching of previous page in LYNXCFG://reload code, to test whether the
>   previous page is really a LYNXCFG: view.

I read your comments in the code, in LYReadCFG.c ...

There was another reason why I made LYNXCFG:/ page cached in more cases
than any other page: you can edit your lynx.cfg file(s) during lynx
session but LYNXCFG:/ output will not be changed unless you activate
changes with LYNXCFG://reload  - e.g. this is not a filtered lynx.cfg
(and includes) but options that are currently active.

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