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Re: lynx-dev lynx -dump wraps lines?

From: Vlad Harchev
Subject: Re: lynx-dev lynx -dump wraps lines?
Date: Tue, 31 Aug 1999 12:16:20 +0500 (SAMST)

On Mon, 30 Aug 1999, John Hawkinson wrote:

> | For text/plain, use "lynx -source" rather than "lynx -dump"  For
> | HTML, it's a thornier question:  Should text with no explicit <BR>
> | be dumped as one enormously long line.  (Of course, this wouldn't
> | bother PW :-)
> Err, you have not made it clear to me why "lynx -dump" is allowed
> to wrap text/plain lines. It is quite clear to me that using lynx -source
> works, but it was also not intuitivle obvious to me, and I would not
> expect it to be to the next person with this problem.

 '-dump' means "output rendered version" (it dumps internal rendition of the
file less text attribute changes. Since that rendition was intended to be
displayed on the screen with a given number of columns, long lines are
wrapped). But I agree that the name '-dump' doesn't say too much about what it
> --jhawk

 Best regards,

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