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Re: lynx-dev patch: images & options

From: Henry Nelson
Subject: Re: lynx-dev patch: images & options
Date: Mon, 9 Aug 1999 13:33:07 +0900 (JST)

> i await the arrival of the piranhas ...


> + As a text browser, Lynx does not display images as such<br>
> + -- you need to define a viewer in <em>lynx.cfg</em>: see there -- ,<br>

Same old gripe: why these <br>'s?  Why not do the whole thing in <pre>
if that is what you want?  For example,

> + </pre><p>
> + You can also use the Options Menu, as outlined below:
> + <p><pre>
> +      key  lynx.cfg       FM LM .lynxrc    variable in source
> + 
> +        *  MAKE_LINKS_     Y  N       N    clickable_images
> +        [  MAKE_PSEUDO_    Y  N       N    pseudo_inline_alts
> +           VERBOSE_        Y  Y       Y    verbose_img
> + 
> + FM = new Form Menu ; LM = old List Menu ;
> + in  .lynxrc ,  VERBOSE_IMAGES  is called `verbose_images':
> + the other two cannot be saved between sessions.
> + </pre><p>
> + In the Forms Menu, the 3-way `Show images' selection<br>
> + combines the effects of the `*' & `[' keys, as follows:
> + <p><pre>
> +      Ignore      clickable_images = FALSE, pseudo_inline_alts = FALSE
> +      As labels   clickable_images = FALSE, pseudo_inline_alts = TRUE
> +      As links    clickable_images = TRUE,  pseudo_inline_alts = unchanged
> + </pre>

isn't the following the same as above (assuming <pre> already opened)?

+ You can also use the Options Menu, as outlined below:
+      key  lynx.cfg       FM LM .lynxrc    variable in source
+        *  MAKE_LINKS_     Y  N       N    clickable_images
+        [  MAKE_PSEUDO_    Y  N       N    pseudo_inline_alts
+           VERBOSE_        Y  Y       Y    verbose_img
+ FM = new Form Menu ; LM = old List Menu ;
+ in  .lynxrc ,  VERBOSE_IMAGES  is called `verbose_images':
+ the other two cannot be saved between sessions.
+ In the Forms Menu, the 3-way `Show images' selection
+ combines the effects of the `*' & `[' keys, as follows:
+      Ignore      clickable_images = FALSE, pseudo_inline_alts = FALSE
+      As labels   clickable_images = FALSE, pseudo_inline_alts = TRUE
+      As links    clickable_images = TRUE,  pseudo_inline_alts = unchanged
+ </pre>

Also, with regard to above:

> + FM = new Form Menu ; LM = old List Menu ;

Suggest:  + FM = new Form Menu. LM = old List Menu.
          + In  .lynxrc,  VERBOSE_IMAGES  is called `verbose_images';

> ! Text-based browser cannot show images directly, so we have a choice:
Need an article.

Just ignore me.  Your effort is appreciated.


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