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Re: lynx-dev Re: Transport links between bookmark files...

From: Philip Webb
Subject: Re: lynx-dev Re: Transport links between bookmark files...
Date: Tue, 6 Jul 1999 06:10:17 -0400 (EDT)

990705-6 Matt Ackeret & Klaus Weide discussed: 
MA> I just thought that this was a useful key to attach it to,
MA> because 't' seems mostly unused and, I will admit, 
MA> 't'ransport was a "cute" name, because it transports a link
MA> from one file to another (insert Star Trek Transporter sound mentally).
MA> 'm' (for move) was already taken.
KW> From a user interface perspective, I would like 't' to remain reserved
KW> for a use like it does in dired mode: "tag" some links for future action,
KW> without doing anything else; and leave it to some other
KW> establishing a binding for 't' that is completely different breaks
KW> the possibility to extend the dired 't' to do something beyond dired,
KW> with the same 'tagging' function and the same default key.
KW> you can have the functionality, and map it to 't' for yourself,
KW> and let others have the functionality and map it differently.
KW> a) Invent a new LYK_foo symbol, LYK_TRANSFER_BOOKMARK_LINK
KW>    Add it in  typedef enum {LYK_UNKNOWN=0 .....  in LYKeymap.h.
KW> b) invent a user-visible name for this key action,
KW>    and add it to the 'revmap[]' array in LYKeymap.c in the same place.
KW>    This is for lynx.cfg KEYMAP and for 'K'eymap page display.
KW> c) Change the implementation in mainloop()
KW>    to be under a case <your LYK_foo symbol>:
KW> If you want a default binding in the code,
KW> put it in the table in LYKeymap.c (LYKeymap_t keymap) you refered to.
KW> Many (or zero) lynxkeycodes ('keys') can be mapped
KW> to the same lynxactioncode ('function').
KW> The same lynxkeycode can be mapped to different funtions
KW> in different situations by using the 'key_override' table
KW> instead of the 'keymap' table when in dired mode
KW> or by dynamic changes to the table:
KW> see {set,reset}_{vi_keys,emacs_keys,numbers_as_arrows}).
this is all very sensible, but the real problem is deeper:
Lynx needs to adopt the system of Screen, Vi & other software,
having a basic `command mode' introduced eg by `:',
which then expects an explicit written-out lynxactioncode,
with easier keymapping -- eg in  .lynxrc  -- by the user.
then ALL commands would be accessible to everyone by using `:',
but users could choose their own personal keybindings as they wished.

yes, it needs programming, but how difficult would it be?
are there any problems or objections?

SUPPORT     ___________//___,  Philip Webb : address@hidden
ELECTRIC   /] [] [] [] [] []|  Centre for Urban & Community Studies
TRANSIT    `-O----------O---'  University of Toronto

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