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lynx-dev fix to psrc patch

From: Vlad Harchev
Subject: lynx-dev fix to psrc patch
Date: Sun, 4 Apr 1999 19:14:18 +0500 (SAMST)

   I've found a bug in the patch I've sent. I tried to achive maximal
performance of lynx compiled with lss support, but I misunderstood some
concepts. Please change the following lines in LYCurses.c and in HTML.c (after
applying patch)
 this will enable the Style_className:HTML.c keeping and make lynx with lss
slightly slower than it could be(though faster then dev21). If somebody wish
to fix a bug, here is a description:

 If contents of some tag that has corresponding color style occupies more than
2 screens, after navigating to the page, on which the content of that block
starts, and then pressing PGDN PGDN PGUP, the effect (color style) of that tag
will be lost. The same (loosing style) happens when jumping to the anchor that 
is in such block and is located not on the 1st page. IMO this is something
with style stack. If will be fixed, then keeping of Style_className:HTML.c 
can be omitted again. 
  And here is a small patch that fixes comment in lynx.cfg:

--- lynx-old.cfg        Mon Mar 29 12:48:42 1999
+++ lynx.cfg    Sun Apr  4 19:12:44 1999
@@ -1983,7 +1983,7 @@
 # 5) Angle brackets of html specials won't be surrounded by markup for ABRACKET
 #         Examples:
 #         - html comments will be surrounded by <B><i> and </i></b> in the
 #         - internal html markup
 # HTMLSRC_ATTRVAL: span.attrval : !span

 Best regards,

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