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Re: lynx-dev lynx html source colorization program

From: Vlad Harchev
Subject: Re: lynx-dev lynx html source colorization program
Date: Wed, 17 Mar 1999 01:51:00 +0400 (SAMT)

On Mon, 15 Mar 1999, Vlad Harchev wrote:

>   Here is a progam that can be used to colorize the source in lynx. I've
> written it today. Just 'flex file.l && cc lex.yy.c'. It's a filter. 
> It can be easily integrated in lynx - since flex is very flexible. Try it
> out. I've used flex-2.5.4. From a given html file it produces another html
> file, with tags encapsulated and source formatting preserved. Ie, if the
> source file contains:

  Have anybody tried this ? I will try to embed it into lynx - ie I'l add or
 modify a file in the 'WWW/Library/Implementation' directory (and of course 
 something in 'src' will be added/modified). Here is my thoughts about how it 
 should be done:
 * I think it should be an alternative for currently availble source file
   screen - ie it won't be replaced. It will be invoked by '|' - ie 
   shift + '\' on unremapped PC keyboard. 
 * I'd like that module to have configuration settings somewhere (most
   probably in lynx.cfg accessible via file inclusion) - they will 
   be the following:
   -  Whether to remove excessive whites inside tags - between brackets and 
   tag attributes. Option name HTMLSRC_PACK_SPACES. 
   -  Whether to uppercase/lowercase/leave-as-is names of tags and names of 
   their attributes. Option name HTMLSRC_TAG_TRANSFORM, values are {0,1,2}
   (0 - leave-as-is, 1 - lowercase, 2 - uppercase).
   -  The program currently understands following lexems:
     comment, generalized angle brackets ( '<' , '>' , '</' ), tag name, 
     attribute name, attribute value, normal text ( this will be 
     inserted once). The option for each lexem is what combination of tags to 
     insert before and what after it.
    Two configuration parameters correspond to 1 lexem - each is a string - 
    a html tags. Configuration parameter corresponding to the starting this 
    lexem is suffixed with '_S', and corresponding to the end - '_E'. Here is 
    a table that shows correspondence between lexems and parameter names.     
    lexem                     Parameter string
    comment                   HTMLSRC_COM
    gen. angle brackets       HTMLSRC_BRACKET
    tag name                  HTMLSRC_TAGNAME
    attribute name            HTMLSRC_ATTRNAME
    attribute value           HTMLSRC_ATTRVAL
    normal text               HTMLSRC_NORMAL   


  Are there any opinions/suggestions?
PS:  I've enhanced/fixed the program I've sent before, so if anybody needs it, 
  mail me. 
 Best regards,

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