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Re: lynx-dev lynx and SGML

From: Sylvia Isler
Subject: Re: lynx-dev lynx and SGML
Date: Fri, 5 Feb 1999 09:24:26 -0800

On Thu, Jan 14, 1999 at 11:02:33PM +0000, David Woolley wrote:
> > Can someone tell me to what extent lynx supports the display of 
> > sgml documents and how much support for sgml is planned for
> > the future? I see no mention of it in the man pages.
> Lynx displays that subset of SGML documents that are valid HTML documents.
> It also displays many documents which purport to be HTML but which are
> not valid SGML and therefore not valid HTML.  NB all valid HTML is also
> Support for other SGML documents would require style sheet support
> as a pre-requisite and the current industry trend is towards the XML
> subset of SGML in this area, rather than full SGML support (i.e. towards
> self defining elements rather than the use of DTDs).
> The plans for Lynx are the union of the plans of the individual authors.
> Are you proposing to become an author and are you planning to provide
> general DTD and style sheet support?

Thanks for your reply.
I ended up adding a mechanism to lynx that processes .sgm/.sgml files
as follows: sgml files are parsed with Clarke's sgmls parser and converted
to html. The newly created html files are then displayed in the
same lynx process.

I doubt if this mechanism would be of general use.


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