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Re: lynx-dev OS/2 binaries

From: John Poltorak
Subject: Re: lynx-dev OS/2 binaries
Date: Wed, 24 Jun 98 10:42:36 +0000

> Anyone needing OS/2 binaries of Lynx 2.8 can find them at
> in /pub/incoming.  They are built with ncurses 4.2,
> and the archive includes both plain and color-styles versions.

This is execellent news, Jason.

Just tried it and it am very pleased with it. Now that I can get it
looking the way I want, I can start learning to use it properly :-).

One thing I noticed is that the Del key deletes the current character,
unlike the previous version I used, but then moves backwards. Should
it work this way?

BTW I forwarded your announcement msg to address@hidden hope you
don't mind... I guess it should also get sent to comp.os.os2.announce
or WarpCast.

Many thanks for this excellent work.
> -- 
> +----------------------------------------------------------------+
> | Jason F. McBrayer              address@hidden |
> | The scalloped tatters of the King in Yellow must hide Yhtill   |   
> | forever.                    R.W. Chambers _The King in Yellow_ |


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