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Re: Digital 4.0 patches (was Re: LYNX-DEV 2.8pre3 compiles [...])

From: T.E.Dickey
Subject: Re: Digital 4.0 patches (was Re: LYNX-DEV 2.8pre3 compiles [...])
Date: Sat, 7 Mar 1998 08:41:22 -0500 (EST)

> On Fri, Mar 06, 1998, T.E.Dickey <address@hidden> wrote:
> > ncurses list commenting that it needs patches.  (Does anyone know more
> > about the patches needed for 4.0?)
> Sorry, I'm just a user.  But if 1) There should be a file recording
> the patches applied, and 2) It would be useful to you, and 3) You could
> point me to some possible locations for said file, let me know.
that was a while back (maybe a year), and it's not archived (and if it
wasn't related to a bug in ncurses, I've only got it filed in my head - sorry)
But the person who made the comment was probaby Tim Mooney - you might
ask him (but if your system is stable, there's no reason to bother him):

> Michael Warner 
> <address@hidden>

Thomas E. Dickey

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