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Re: LYNX-DEV Representing frames in lynx

From: James Elkinton
Subject: Re: LYNX-DEV Representing frames in lynx
Date: Wed, 17 Dec 1997 12:23:17 -0800

address@hidden wrote:
> When you get a lynx page like this one:
> ======================================================================
>  FRAME: Contents
>  FRAME: Banner
>  This web page uses frames, but your browser doesn't support them.
> ======================================================================
> The question is why lynx can't simply load all of the frames and display
> them in sequence as a series of connected pages.  For the squeamish and
> traditional, this could be a key-sequence option.

Sounds good...never can have too many options  ( well, I guess there
be a limit. :) )

I, personally, wish Netscape had an option to do it like Lynx does in
above diagram.  Fat chance there, eh?
Then there's always splitting the window up, but gods...what to do about
idiots who use 7 (!) frames... another feature for the 'yeah right,
in Lynx 6.0 or something' list.

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