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Re: LYNX-DEV Command: Remove from book

From: Filip M Gieszczykiewicz
Subject: Re: LYNX-DEV Command: Remove from book
Date: Fri, 24 Oct 1997 21:42:01 -0500 (CDT)

You (Chris Maden) wrote:
> If you changed your bookmark structure from
> <OL>
> <LI>...
> <LI>...
> then yes, you are going to have problems.  When you type R on booklist
> entry n, Lynx just deletes line n+m from the bookmark file (where m is
> the line on which <ol> occurs>.  If you've introduced nested lists or
> other fancy stuff, you may actually be deleting other lines...

Greetings.  How difficult would it be to include some simple pattern 
match function so that lynx would actually nuke only the link the user
wanted to nuke... and not just depend on the n+m [terrible] assumption...
Also, I'd like an option where the removal can stop after first "hit"
or continue for the whole bookmark file and nix any duplicates as well.

I checked and there doesn't seem to be a single line left of my
multi-bookmark code in the latest version... don't get me wrong, that
makes me _very_ happy (my C sucks) but that also means that for me
to patch the new tree... I'd need a few days to figure out where and
what... hey, so I'm slow... :-)

I'd also like to see some _very simple_ sorting function added to the lynx
bookmarks along with saving the date of the saving of the bookmark. Then,
being able to sort by date would make keeping the bookmarks up-to-date
would be so much simpler.... Heck, can anyone just ADD saving the date
to the bookmarks? I'd then be able to use awk/perl to do it myself...
it seems like such a trivial yet useful addition.

I got one more midterm... that's why I'm not going to even untar the
latest sources... I don't think I'd be strong enough to resist the
temptation of blowing off my exam and hacking.... :-)

Take care.
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