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Re: LYNX-DEV Download/Print Options - what's the secret?

From: Klaus Weide
Subject: Re: LYNX-DEV Download/Print Options - what's the secret?
Date: Thu, 16 Oct 1997 20:34:06 -0500 (CDT)

On Thu, 16 Oct 1997, James Elkinton wrote:

> I've explored trying to get various options working, mainly with the
> DOWNLOAD saving stuff, but also with Printing, with absolutely no results.
> Tried uncommenting the relevant commented bits, no go.  Searched through
> the source, but couldn't find anything useful.  I must be overlooking
> something quite obvious.   (is usually the case. :) )

First make sure lynx is using the .cfg file you think it should be using.
lynx -trace should tell you (with newer code), near the beginning.

If you want lynx to use a different lynx.cfg file from what it is using,
then you have to tell it so.  See userdefs.h, see lynx=cfg=...

> I would like to have all the options I could ever want available: download
> with every *modem protocol available, heck, even Kermit (never know...),
> mail the file (of course, only text files, and I should have done [p]rint,
> not [d]ownload, but hey, options are nice), and whatever the heck else I
> like...but where do I do this?  lynx.cfg?  .lynxrc?  Both?  Neither?

What makes you think that .lynxrc would be the right place?

> The last lynx I used with all the stuff available was ages ago, and the
> person, who was well known at the site, seems to have dropped off the face
> of the net...  Even odder, all of the goodies worked with or without a
> personal .lynxrc and/or lynx.cfg around, which added another confuzzle to
> my thinking.

That person must have modified the global lynx.cfg then, or pointed lynx
to a different .cfg file with a script, or changed the source, or
something like that.

> And the magic key is...?
> <side-topic>
>  I may have missed some of the DTD thread... is there a key yet to tell
>  Lynx 'Hey...this is HTML whether you know it or not, so do it!' when
>  coming across an HTML document errantly named with a .txt or .doc
>  extension?  If not, here's another vote for one.  using FORCE HTML is
>  something I'd rather not do, since some stuff I'd rather not have
>  forced.
> </side-topic>

The -force_html flag is only effective for the first doc.  You can make
lynx invoke lynx if you like, possibly with that flag, maybe as a
DOWNLOADER, or PRINTER, or (if you have compiled with -DUSE_EXTERNALS)
EXTERNAL, or even a VIEWER for some MIME type.  Since a HTML document
that doesn't appear to be one is rather exotic, the possibilities which
are already there to deal with it any way you like are sufficient, IMHO.
You just have to configure it...


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