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LYNX-DEV compile problem

From: Laszlo Meszaros
Subject: LYNX-DEV compile problem
Date: Tue, 1 Apr 1997 16:01:42 +0200


Using a SUN worxtation with Sun OS 4.1.4, I have tried to compile
the lynx 2.7 first with the SUN4 option. I have received an error
message grom the compiler that there is something wrong with the
HTML.c source at line 2118 (marked vith >>>) "illegal type":

        me->CurrentA = HTAnchor_findChildAndLink(
                        me->node_anchor,                        /* Parent */
                        id_string,                              /* Tag */
                        href,                                   /* Address */
                        (present &&
                         present[HTML_A_TYPE] &&
                           value[HTML_A_TYPE]) ? 
>>>   (HTLinkType*)HTAtom_for(value[HTML_A_TYPE]) : (void *)0); /* Type */

         *  Get rid of href since no longer needed.
         *  Memory leak fixed
         *  06-16-94 Lynx 2-3-1 Garrett Arch Blythe

I have got the same error when I tried to compile with the
GENERIC option (with the fancy options removed as mentioned
in the installation file).

I used the sun's cc compiler.

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