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LYNX-DEV "bad html"

From: Laura Eaves
Subject: LYNX-DEV "bad html"
Date: Sat, 25 Jan 1997 03:22:07 -0500 (EST)

I heard there was a web page for qvc and thought I'd try shopping there.
(Should I admit this?...:-)  The url is
I went to the "search" page and tried searching for an item, got a screen
with 3 matches, selected one of the items, read the description and tried
to order it.
When I hit the submit button, lynx said "bad html".

I sent email to their webmaster, but thought I'd also mention it here.
Does someone have time to check out this page?
What is the best way to report such things?  Would it be better if I
saved the page's html and sent it to someone?
(I haven't learned html (yet) so don't know what to look for.)

PS: This was using the lynx 2.6 I built the other day -- got the sources from
    Lynx links.  Don't know what version that is.
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