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[lwip-users] lwIP ports for RTEMS, POSIX based RTOS and FreeRTOS, TMS570

From: Pavel Pisa
Subject: [lwip-users] lwIP ports for RTEMS, POSIX based RTOS and FreeRTOS, TMS570 a LPC17/40xx drivers
Date: Tue, 16 Aug 2016 21:09:23 +0200
User-agent: KMail/1.9.10 (enterprise35 0.20100827.1168748)

Hello Dirk and others,

the first thanks for the work on lwIP.

I would  like to offer some of our code to contribute back
to the project

Our GIT repo as SF.net contains our port to above mentioned


git clone git://git.code.sf.net/p/ulan/lwip-omk ulan-lwip-omk

The "master" branch contains version based on lwIP
version 1.5.0.

The "omk-devel" is based on lwIP 2.0 around RC2 and is expected
to be rebased to lwIP 2.0 when released.

The tree contains combined lwIP sources and ports.

Operating systems ports directory

     - sys_arch.c, cc.h etc. to use lwIP on RTEMS https://www.rtems.org/
       open source real time executive. The lwIP in system mode is used there.
       The actual use is through separated lwIP file descriptors table
       (lwip_socket etc.).
     - integration through netcon API into RTEMS
       native filedescriptors table is planned in longer term

     - tested on Ti TMS570LS3137 based boards

     - sys_arch.c allowing to compile lwIP against generic POSIX based OS
       not tested on real hardware yet (planned as alternative for RTEMS or
       NuttX for example which provide POSIX IPC)

     - support for uLAN project (bare GCC NewLib) operation, environment
       without operating system and scheduller. Only for RAW API applications
     - used on LPC17xx and LPC40xx based systems

     - sys_arch.c for FreeRTOS and system mode lwIP operation
     - tested with FreeRTOS 8.2.2 on TMS570LS3137 based boards

Target drivers directory

     - LPC17xx/LPC40xx driver for systemless operation

     - Ti TMS570LS3137 driver used with RTEMS and FreeRTOS

Build system is specific for our projects but *.c and *.h files
should be easily reusable and if there is interrest they
can be used by other projects or integrated to the lwIP contrib

The simple MDNS responder
authored by Logan Gunthorpe in included in the repository as well.


I would be happy if I can ask for advises for netcon API
integration into RTEMS under its native file descriptors
in longer term.

Best wishes,

                Pavel Pisa
    e-mail:     address@hidden
    www:        http://cmp.felk.cvut.cz/~pisa
    university: http://dce.fel.cvut.cz/
    company:    http://www.pikron.com/

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