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AW: RE : RE : TR : RE : RE: [lwip-users] webserver with method=POST

From: Urs Gerber
Subject: AW: RE : RE : TR : RE : RE: [lwip-users] webserver with method=POST
Date: Tue, 24 Jul 2007 17:53:42 +0200

If I try only one frame (x.x.x.x/001.htm) - it works.
If I try the whole page (x.x.x.x) it dosen't work.
I believe, that there lost any message inside the lwip!

My frames:
const char WEB_PAGE000[] = "\
<frameset rows='8%,*,5%' border='0' frameborder='0' framespacing='0'>\r\n\
<frame src='001.htm' name='oben' marginwidth='0' marginheight='0'
scrolling='auto' noresize>\r\n\
<frameset cols='10%,*' border='0' frameborder='0' framespacing='0'>\r\n\
<frame src='002.htm' name='links' marginwidth='0' marginheight='0'
scrolling='auto' noresize>\r\n\
<frame src='004.htm' name='main' marginwidth='10' marginheight='10'
scrolling='auto' noresize>\r\n\
<frame src='003.htm' name='unten' marginwidth='0' marginheight='0'
scrolling='auto' noresize>\r\n\

const char WEB_PAGE001[] = "\
<font size=6 color=black face='arial'>Gerätetyp: DBKGN23</font>\r\n\
const char WEB_PAGE002[] = "\
<font size=6 color=black face='arial'>Gerätetyp: DBKGN23</font>\r\n\
const char WEB_PAGE003[] = "\
<font size=6 color=black face='arial'>Gerätetyp: DBKGN23</font>\r\n\
const char WEB_PAGE004[] = "\
<font size=6 color=black face='arial'>Gerätetyp: DBKGN23</font>\r\n\

Mit freundlichen Grüssen
Urs Gerber

-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: address@hidden
[mailto:address@hidden Auftrag von
Frédéric BERNON
Gesendet: Dienstag, 24. Juli 2007 17:25
An: Mailing list for lwIP users
Betreff: RE : RE : TR : RE : RE: [lwip-users] webserver with method=POST

>I try a webserver with four frames on screen. Each frame works solo but if
all frames wil be handelt, there are somthimes lost of a frame. 

Uhm, finally, not sure it's the problem. Can you tell me more about "all
frames wil be handelt" ?

>I d'ont understand, why I have close the connection handle with each
You can use a HTTP "keepalive" connection, in this case, you only have to
"netconn_delete" it once you got a tcp error (when the peer reset the

Frédéric BERNON 
Chef de projet informatique 
Microsoft Certified Professional 
Tél. : +33 (0)4-67-87-61-10 
Fax. : +33 (0)4-67-70-85-44 
Email : address@hidden 
Web Site : http://www.hymatom.fr 
P Avant d'imprimer, penser à l'environnement

-----Message d'origine-----
De : address@hidden
[mailto:address@hidden De la part
de Frédéric BERNON
Envoyé : mardi 24 juillet 2007 17:16
À : Mailing list for lwIP users
Objet : RE : TR : RE : RE: [lwip-users] webserver with method=POST


There could be a problem (fixed in current CVS HEAD) with the
netconn_delete. Could you try to do a "pause" (something like a sleep,
wait...) before the netconn_delete?  Or better, could you try the CVS HEAD
to test it ?
Frédéric BERNON 
Chef de projet informatique 
Microsoft Certified Professional 
Tél. : +33 (0)4-67-87-61-10 
Fax. : +33 (0)4-67-70-85-44 
Email : address@hidden 
Web Site : http://www.hymatom.fr 
P Avant d'imprimer, penser à l'environnement

-----Message d'origine-----
De : address@hidden
[mailto:address@hidden De la part
de Frédéric BERNON Envoyé : mardi 24 juillet 2007 17:13 À : Mailing list for
lwIP users Objet : TR : RE : RE: [lwip-users] webserver with method=POST

-----Message d'origine-----
De : Urs Gerber [mailto:address@hidden 
Envoyé : mardi 24 juillet 2007 16:38
À : Frédéric BERNON
Objet : AW: RE : RE: [lwip-users] webserver with method=POST

hi Frederic

Thanks for your help - it works fin.
Now, I have a new problem:
I try a webserver with four frames on screen. Each frame works solo but if
all frames wil be handelt, there are somthimes lost of a frame. I d'ont
understand, why I have close the connection handle with each message?

i give you also my code:
* Beschreibung : Ausgabe der WEB-Page
* Argumente    :  -
* Rueckgabewert:  -
* Hinweise     : 
static void SendeHTML_Page1 (struct netconn *conn, unsigned short usFileNr)
  char *pSave;
  char *pWork;
  int  i;
  char *pPage;
  switch (usFileNr) {
    case 0: pPage = (char *)WEB_PAGE000; i = sizeof(WEB_PAGE000); break;
    case 1: pPage = (char *)WEB_PAGE001; i = sizeof(WEB_PAGE001); break;
    case 2: pPage = (char *)WEB_PAGE002; i = sizeof(WEB_PAGE002); break;
    case 3: pPage = (char *)WEB_PAGE003; i = sizeof(WEB_PAGE003); break;
    case 4: pPage = (char *)WEB_PAGE004; i = sizeof(WEB_PAGE004); break;
      i = 0;

  if (i > 0) {
    pSave = pWork = (char*)MALLOC(6000);              /* Antwortbuffer
allozieren */
    if (pSave != NULL) {
//      i += sizeof(HTTP_TITEL);
//      pWork += sprintf(pWork,HTTP_OK,i);
//      i = pWork - pSave;
      /* Send the actual web page. */
//      if(netconn_write(conn, (void *)pSave, i, NETCONN_NOCOPY) != ERR_OK)
//        printf("***Write1Err***\n\r");

                        strcpy( pWork, HTTP_TITEL );
                        strcat( pWork, pPage );
//      pWork += sprintf(pWork,HTTP_TITEL);
//      pWork += sprintf(pWork,pPage);
//      i = pWork - pSave;
//        printf("*** %d ***\n\r",i);
      /* Send the actual web page. */
      if(netconn_write(conn, (void *)pSave, (u16_t)strlen( pSave ),


* Beschreibung : Verarbeitung einer Empfangsverbindung
* Argumente    :  -
* Rueckgabewert:  -
* Hinweise     : 
static void Webserver_connection(struct netconn *conn)
  struct netbuf *inbuf;
  char *rq;
  u16_t len, i;
  unsigned char  ucMethod;   // 0: GET / 1: POST
  unsigned short usFile;     // Filenummer: 0 = Grundscreen

  /* Read data from the connection into the netbuf inbuf.
  We assume that the full request is in the netbuf. */
  if((inbuf = netconn_recv(conn)) == NULL) {

  netbuf_data(inbuf, (void **)&rq, &len);
  ucMethod = Webserver_GetMethod(rq);
  usFile = Webserver_GetFile(rq);
//  printf(rq);
  printf("Hello: %d -%d\n",usFile, ucMethod);
  if (ucMethod <= 1) {
    /* ev. Parameter auch noch verarbeiten! */
    /* Write out the HTTP OK header. */ 
    netconn_write(conn, HTTP_OK1, (u16_t)strlen( HTTP_OK1 ), NETCONN_COPY );

    /* Antwort zurücksenden */
//    SendeHTML_Page1(conn,4);
  } else {
    printf("***bad data***\n\r");

  netbuf_delete(inbuf);    /* delete data buffer */

*                   WEB - Server

* Beschreibung : Task WebServers
* Argumente    :  -
* Rueckgabewert:  - (niemals ein Rücksprung)
* Hinweise     : 
static void WebServerThred(void *arg)
  struct netconn *conn, *newconn;

  /* Create a new TCP connection handle. */
  conn = netconn_new(NETCONN_TCP);

  /* Bind the connection to port 80 on any local IP address. */
  netconn_bind(conn, NULL, 80);

  /* Put the connection into LISTEN state. */

  /* Loop forever. */

  while(1) {
                /* Wait for a first connection. Accept a new connection. */
    newconn = netconn_accept(conn);

    if(newconn != NULL) {
      /* Process the incomming connection. */

      /* Deallocate connection handle. */
//          netconn_close(newconn);
//      newconn = NULL;

Mit freundlichen Grüssen
Urs Gerber

-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: Frédéric BERNON [mailto:address@hidden
Gesendet: Dienstag, 17. Juli 2007 21:12
An: Mailing list for lwIP users; address@hidden
Betreff: [?? Probable Spam] RE : RE: [lwip-users] webserver with method=POST

Hi Urs,

I can give you a generic guideline to process "simply" GET & POST on your
embedded web server. What you have to do:

1/ On the accepted socket, read datas in a buffer until "\r\n\r\n"
(included). This part is the "http_headers". It can be useful to add a 0x00
at the end of the block to use "string" functions from C runtime, or simply
do a "printf".

2/ Extract from the first line (of the "http_headers" got in 1/) the method
(should be "POST" or "GET"), and the document (could be "/" for the root).
The method is the first word, the document the next.

3/ If the method (got in 2/) is "GET", copy (or use a pointer) all the datas
from the first line which are after a possible "?". Note it's possible to
not have any "?" in a request. At this point, note you can have between 0 to
n bytes for these datas. I will call this memory block "http_params_datas"
in next points. 
4/ If the method (got in 2/) is "POST", you have first to find in
"http_headers" a line started by "Content-Length: ". The line have a form
like "Content-Length: 32\r\n". When you found this line, convert the value
of the line (32 is this sample) in a integer. This is the "post_data_size".
One you got that, read on the socket the next "post_data_size" bytes, and
copy them (or use a pointer) in the memory block named "http_params_datas".

5/ At this point, you should have a memory block named "http_params_datas"
(with its size). It can contain datas from GET parameters, or from POST
datas. Note than GET have a maximum size of 1024 bytes. That's why, most of
time, POST is used to get "big" datas. POST is also useful if you don't want
to "show" on the address bar your parameters. The aim is to have a memory
block to process on next point. It can be useful to add a 0x00 at the end of
the block to use "string" functions from C runtime, or simply do a "printf".

6/ You can now read param by param your "http_params_datas", you will got
each parameters from your "form". They are in the same form in GET or POST
(something like "param1=value1&param2=value2").

That's all. This "framework" will work, but need some checkings. First is to
not read more bytes than your buffer can contains. Other tips: if you try to
do a UPLOAD, the processing is a little bit different from 6/, since you can
to process a "multipart" document, with "boundary" tags to limit the datas
(which can be binary datas). Look for "RFC1341 - 7.2.1 Multipart: The common
syntax" for this case.

I can propose you two simple functions to "parse" (a big word in this case)
http datas. They are basic tools to help to start, bug mainly used the C
runtime (note they were used on win32, I just change them with lwIP types,
so, it SHOULD work).

err_t http_getheadervalue( char* lpszHeaderName, char* lpszHeaders, char*
lpszBuffer, u32_t dwBufferSize)
{ err_t bResult    = ERR_ARG;
  char* lpszHeader = NULL;
  memset( lpszBuffer, 0, dwBufferSize);
  lpszHeader = strstr( lpszHeaders, lpszHeaderName);
  if (lpszHeader!=NULL)
   { if (sscanf( lpszHeader+strlen(lpszHeaderName)+1/*:*/+1/*SPACE*/,
"%[^\r\n]", lpszBuffer)>=0)
      { bResult = ERR_OK;
  return bResult;

err_t http_getlinevalue( char* lpszValueName, char* lpszLine, char*
lpszBuffer, u32_t dwBufferSize)
{ err_t  bResult      = ERR_ARG;
  char* lpszValue     = NULL;
  char  szValue[256]  = "";
  memset( lpszBuffer, 0, dwBufferSize);
  memset( szValue,    0, sizeof(szValue));
  lpszValue = strstr( lpszLine, lpszValueName);
  if (lpszValue!=NULL)
   { if (sscanf( lpszValue+strlen(lpszValueName)+1/*=*/, "%[^ ;&\r\n]",
      { /* Note you have to process special escape sequence, or special
chars: by example, any "+" have to be replace by a " " */
        /* Can you find in your datas some sequence like "%20". You have to
replace them by the a matching ASCII value. For "%20", its 0x20, so, a
        /* etc...*/
        bResult = ERR_OK
  return bResult;

Good luke...

Frédéric BERNON 
Chef de projet informatique 
Microsoft Certified Professional 
Tél. : +33 (0)4-67-87-61-10 
Fax. : +33 (0)4-67-70-85-44 
Email : address@hidden 
Web Site : http://www.hymatom.fr 
P Avant d'imprimer, penser à l'environnement

-----Message d'origine-----
De : address@hidden
[mailto:address@hidden De la part
de Grubb, Jared Envoyé : mardi 17 juillet 2007 18:01 À :
address@hidden; Mailing list for lwIP users Objet : RE: RE:
[lwip-users] webserver with method=POST

The version in lwIP is *incredibly* simple. It serves up the same web page
to every incoming HTTP GET command - and doesn't even fully parse the input.
A quick Google search pulled up this website, which can explain more about
the HTTP protocol and how you can parse the things sent to the server:
But as for using lwIP to do the network transfers, the online example can
get you started.

From: address@hidden
[mailto:address@hidden On Behalf Of Urs
Sent: Tuesday, July 17, 2007 8:51 AM
To: Grubb, Jared; 'Mailing list for lwIP users'
Subject: AW: RE: [lwip-users] webserver with method=POST
Hi Jared
Thanks for short answer.
But all examples work with method "GET" and these is also no problem. I try
with method "POST" and do not find the entered datas!?
Mit freundlichen Grüssen 
Urs Gerber 
-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: Grubb, Jared [mailto:address@hidden
Gesendet: Dienstag, 17. Juli 2007 17:29
An: address@hidden; Mailing list for lwIP users
Betreff: [?? Probable Spam] RE: [lwip-users] webserver with method=POST
There is a real basic web server example in the CVS right now, under
/contrib/apps/httpserver (this is in the "contrib" module). You can browse
the online CVS if you need to.
Second, I would read the original document that Adam Dunkels wrote about
lwIP. It's a few years old now, and we're working on updated documentation,
but with the example above (which is current) and the old PDF, you should be
able to get yourself started! The PDF is here:

From: address@hidden
[mailto:address@hidden On Behalf Of Urs
Sent: Tuesday, July 17, 2007 7:25 AM
To: address@hidden
Subject: [lwip-users] webserver with method=POST
I'm using lwip 1.2 and would like to make a small webserver application with
a password inquiry (method POST).
How can I read the entered data?
Does someone have an example?
Mit freundlichen Grüssen 
Urs Gerber 

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