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Re: [lwip-users] using lwip with xilinx virtex-II fpga

From: Jim Gibbons
Subject: Re: [lwip-users] using lwip with xilinx virtex-II fpga
Date: Thu, 23 Sep 2004 16:38:29 -0700
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I was hoping that you would get a response from someone who has actually been using the Xilinx parts.  I haven't.  I've been using Altera.

>From what I understand, there is a port to the Xilinx MicroBlaze of the MicroC/OS-II operating system - often called uC/OS.  There is also a port of lwIP to uC/OS.  So most of the pieces should be in place for you, assuming that you are using MicroBlaze rather than some other CPU core.  There would still be the matter of a driver for your ethernet interface, however.

I am curious to know where you end up with this.  Please report back if you have found a full port to your Xilnx environment.

Håkan Kvist wrote:

I'm trying to build a small http-server on a Xilinx fpga.
(We're using a virtex-II based board, memec V2MB 1000 ). 

Some parts are far from crystal-clear. Are there any examples/small
projects availible on the web where lwIP is used together with a
xilinx fpga?

I'know about an appication note on the xilinx homepage, but
unfortunately that is for the newest version of the development
software and we are using an older version :-(


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Jim Gibbons
Gibbons and Associates, Inc.
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