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[lwip-users] Re: [lwip] CLOSE_WAIT

From: Adam Dunkels
Subject: [lwip-users] Re: [lwip] CLOSE_WAIT
Date: Thu, 09 Jan 2003 00:47:32 -0000


On Saturday 20 October 2001 22:27, you wrote:
> Any idea's why the linux server ( doesn't close the connectcion
> (I use the telnet port on in uIP ( to echo the incoming data)
> Here's the tcpdump result.


> Netstat give me for this connection :
> Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address           Foreign Address         State
> tcp        0      0 petbox.be:1050
> Any idea's ??

The reason for this is that the Linux program hans't called close() on the 
socket. In TCP, connections can be half-closed such that data still can be 
transmitted in the direction that hasn't been closed. A connection in 
FIN_WAIT_1 indicates that the local side has been closed, but the other end 
hasn't been closed yet, and a connection is CLOSE_WAIT indicates that the 
local endpoint of the connection hans't been closed.

This is also the reason why the Linux server hasn't sent a FIN. 

Are you running telnet to access your 6809 board or have you written a 
special Linux program for doing the communication? Telnet *should* close the 
connection if the remote host closes it.

Adam Dunkels <address@hidden>
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